Through the interlibrary loan service, you have access to the collections of all libraries in Finland.

Interlibrary loan service for customers

Do you need a book or article not included in the collections of the Xamk libraries or other local libraries? We can order the material from elsewhere after you make an interlibrary request with an online form. You have to fill in a separate form for each book/article. The lending library will set the due date and determine whether you can take the book home or only read it within the library premises. Interlibrary loans do not show in Kaakkuri, and they are renewed for you automatically. We will inform you when renewal is no longer possible.

The Xamk Library supplies interlibrary loans to its customers from other national and foreign libraries in accordance with valid interlibrary loan guidelines and regulations. A fee is charged for the interlibrary loan service according to the library service charges.

Xinfo > (Chance language) – Add a service request – Interlibrary loan request

Kaukopalvelu kirjastoille

Muut kirjastot voivat tilata lainoja Xamkin kirjastosta tekemällä kaukolainapyynnön verkkolomakkeella tai lähettämällä kaukolainapyynnön kunkin kirjaston sähköpostiin. Kaukopalvelusta veloitetaan Xamkin kirjaston palveluhinnaston mukaan. Xamkin kirjaston peruskokoelmista lainattavan aineiston laina-aika on 14 vuorokautta.


Kaukolainapyyntö kirjastoille