The following basic principles have been outlined at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences concerning the use of artificial intelligence and language models in studies:

  1. Students must be provided with guidelines, rules, and principles concerning the use of artificial intelligence and language models
  2. The use of artificial intelligence and language models is, in principle, allowed, taking into account the rules concerning plagiarism
  3. When planning assignments for students to hand in, teachers must, in the future, ensure that the assignments cannot be passed with texts produced solely by artificial intelligence
  4. Students are ultimately always responsible for the contents and ethical standards of the assignments they submit
  5. A teacher may make an exception to principles 2 and 3 for a single assignment or course with justification

In addition to the basic principles, the rules concerning plagiarism for students have been updated to address the use of artificial intelligence and language models. The use of AI-generated text as part of written work is not allowed without appropriate, verified references to the original sources. Artificial intelligence may not be used to produce the final version of a written assignment. AI-generated text may not be presented as written by the student themselves. AI-generated text is not to be referenced directly nor directly quoted. It can be used if it is adapted, using one’s own words and, as mentioned above, with appropriate references.

Xamk is in the process of drafting general information for teachers on artificial intelligence and language models. Further, Xamk will prepare instructions for teachers on how to guide students on the use of artificial intelligence and language models and take their use into account when teaching.