On Monday 7 March, Xamk will return to the normal teaching arrangements outlined in the curricula and timetables. Contact teaching will be organised on campus, and teachers are not obliged to stream it, so students must participate on campus whenever they are healthy.

Campus services are also open from 7 March onwards. For more information, see Lux intranet and the Xamk restaurants website (in Finnish).

Remember health security

The recommendation to wear a mask continues on the campuses – use a mask whenever possible! Disposable masks are available in the campus lobbies.

Don’t come to campus if you are ill, have symptoms or are in quarantine. Wash your hands as soon as you arrive on campus, and many times during the day. Disinfect your hands, if washing them is not possible. Try to keep a safe distance from other people at all times.  Cough and sneeze into a paper handkerchief or your sleeve.

Tips and guidelines on returning to campus

If you have questions about the teaching arrangements, contact the course teacher.

If you have questions concerning the coronavirus, please send them to korona@xamk.fi. See Xamk’s coronavirus instructions for further information.