Come and help us to find our new logo!

Competition lasts 26.09.2022- 07.10.2022. Upload your visual logo idea using this form.

The purpose of this contest is to design a logo to be used by the YWIS – Youth work in schools.  The logo’s design should reflect the values of YWIS. The YWIS logo should also capture our mission and objectives.

Key words are: Youth work, non-formal learning, team work, participation, young people, innovation.

The objectives of the YWIS are to:

  1. empower youth work in schools, define the role and the opportunities of youth work and support the design of school-based youth work content.

  2. develop the cooperation between formal and informal education, to root informal education opportunities within youth’s formal education and to integrate the objectives of youth work and the curriculum.

  3. increase the quality of youth work in schools and develop special guidance practices at youth work in schools (4 themes):

    • sustainable development and faith in the future of young people, sharing of the facilities in the school buildings for pedagogical use and for youth work,

    • democracy education and participation,

    • the holistic student wellbeing work, individual work and digital tools of the guidance,

    • strengthening the sense of community: supporting group dynamics and a sense of community in everyday life at schools and attachment to the studies, as well as actions against loneliness and bullying.

Partners of the YWIS are:

  • South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk – Youth research and development centre Juvenia (Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Xamk – Nuorisoalan tutkimus- ja kehittämiskeskus Juvenia

  • Thessaly University – UTh (Panepistimio Thessalias

  • Saaremaa Youth Work Center – SYWC (Saaremaa Noorsootöö Keskus

  • Freguesia de Vila Boa do Bispo