Xamk Proto Studio creates an environment for students to develop their own game ideas, digital products and services to published products.


A process was created to develop student prototypes and find new developmental blanks.

The publication/progress of students’ projects was also supported with development money, which could be applied for, for example, to cover publishing costs (typical publishing costs include iOS and Android on platforms totaling approximately 125 €/project). This was carried out as part of the Xamk Startup Fund grant application.

At Proto Studio, students received support and guidance for successfully pushing through projects, and entrepreneurial skills and working life skills developed. The implementation of development projects strengthened students’ own entrepreneurial expertise and enabled the identification of potential new business ideas and the guidance of students to XAMK’s entrepreneurship community services.

During 2021, Proto Studio launched 12 projects, two of which were directed forward to acceleration programs, among others. One company started proto studio with sparring and the other two projects are potentially generated by new companies. The projects highlighted collaboration with sparring partners & mentors.

The focus of Xamk Proto Studio’s activities was on services related to the development of students’ game ideas, digital products and services. Alongside the workshop model known at Xamk, Xamk Proto Studio brought a sustainable solution to support students’ product / service / company concepts, in which company representatives and alumni also participated in development projects in the role of sparrer and mentor.



Xamk Proto Studio supports students in developing and commercializing their own gaming/digital products. Proto Studio actively searched for game ideas or ideas developed by students in digital services. Game Jam and other game related events was arranged to support the start-up phase of student projects.

Proto Studio supported the progress of students’ projects with development money. Often, the promotion of students’ ideas is caught up in small factors, such as marketing costs or the cost of publishing the game. Proto Studio acted as an instrument through which they applied for support for the cost of games in the student release phase.

Brought Proto Studio projects close to the business interface. To ensure the success of the project, the processes was strongly designed using virtual tools.


More information

Jani Ruotsalainen

Project Manager

Digital Economy



Xamk Proto Studio

1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021

Project partners

Lead partner: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Xamk

Focus areas: Digital economy


Total budget: € 63 200

XAMK part of the total budget: € 13 200

Financiers and main source of funding: Otsakorven säätiö