The project supports students’ wellbeing through sports and promotes physically active studying environment in Xamk.

– Pilot new actions to support students’ wellbeing through sports
– Promote equal sport services on all campuses that support the overall wellbeing of students
– Raise awareness of the effects of physical activity on learning by influencing Xamk’s operation culture
– Strengthen the sense of community through sport events and regular sport activities

– Plan and implement actions that enhances physical activity together with students
– Utilize students’ knowledge by combining studies with Xamk’s sports services
– Develop outdoor activities in nature to support (mental) wellbeing
– Develop the awareness of teaching and guidance personnel about the importance of physical activity for learning and mental wellbeing
– Promote physically active studying environment and the sense of community by adding small exercise equipment and games on common facilities

More information

Project manager
Essi Kähkönen
040 537 4085

Project worker
Anna Päivike
050 413 4424


Data protection announcement


Äxöniä korkeakouluun

15 December 2021 – 31 May 2023

Project partners

Lead partner: Likes, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu

Partners: Xamk

Focus areas: Sustainable wellbeing


XAMK part of the total budget: € 121 000

Financiers and main source of funding: Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö