The project creates new ways to improve energy efficiency and promotes the use of renewable energies in South Savo region.

Cost savings through improved energy efficiency

Finland has committed to a significant reduction in its carbon dioxide emissions during the forthcoming decades as outlined in the EU’s decision. The decision implementation is controlled nationally with, for example, climate and energy strategy measure programs and legislation. Finland’s emission reductions also require the implementation of voluntary energy efficiency agreements and energy audits. However, the official energy audits are laborious and costly especially for micro and small-sized companies. Therefore, many smaller companies have been left out of the work in promoting energy efficiency. They will also lose out on significant cost savings potential.

project steps

1) Light energy review model for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
2) Energy review model testing in local SMEs and data analyses
3) Service model development – Portal Etevät
4) Increasing the awareness on renewable energies use
5) Communication and project results

New service business possibilities

The project will create an adoptable, easy to use model to promote energy efficiency that may be tailored to different types of small and medium-sized enterprises. The adoptable model will enable reviews that will established current energy efficiency, and enable measures needed to achieve possible energy savings. The project will promote energy efficiency in the local businesses, increase the awareness of renewable energies, as well as, create new type of business opportunities in South Savo (Finland) area.

More information

Tuija Ranta-Korhonen
Project Manager
p. 040 661 5191


Promoting energy efficiency in the South Savo region's small and medium-sized enterprises

1 January 2017 – 31 August 2019

Project partners

Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)

Other partners: Etelä-Savon Energia Ltd, Lumme Energia Ltd and Suur-Savon Sähkö Ltd


Total budget: € 203 396

XAMK part of the total budget: € 203 396

Financiers and main source of funding: European Regional Development Fund via South Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment