Xamk’s 2017 graduate, have you already replied to the Career Monitoring Survey?


What is Career Monitoring Survey?

The career monitoring survey is an annual survey sent to Bachelor’s- and master’s degree students who have graduated five years earlier. This year, the survey has been sent to those who graduated in 2017.

The survey maps how alumni’s University of applied sciences degrees meet the needs of working life.
The survey has been sent by e-mail, and the response time is until November 9, 2022. The answers to the survey are treated confidentially, and no individual persons can be identified from the answers.


What value do my replies have?

The results of the survey serve as support in many matters. Universities of applied sciences receive valuable information about the alumni’s career path and how they have been employed after graduation. Based on the answers, each higher education institution can plan and develop the content of the courses and the significance of the degrees in working life.

Your answer will also benefit current and future students; the ones currently studying and those planning to start their studies are building their personal career plans based on the answers to the survey.

– It is exactly Your answer that is extremely important to us because every missing answer prevents us from forming an overall picture of how we have succeeded in our operations, and what we could develop.” –emphasizes Xamk’s Principal Heikki Saastamoinen.

The results of the survey are available in Vipunen.
You can find more detailed result packages of the career tracking survey here (Fin).


How are my personal data and answers stored?

Information is collected, stored, and used responsibly, respecting the rights of respondents and personal data protection. Relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines are followed in all stages of data collection. The results of the surveys are reported systematically, responsibly, and in compliance with the data protection regulation and good scientific practice. The career tracking questionnaire is guided by the ethical principles (Fin) approved by the Principal’s Council ARENE ry. [Uraseurantakyselyn toteutus – Korkeakoulujen uraseuranta (uraseurannat.fi)]


Where can I get more information?

If you have any questions about the career monitoring survey or its implementation, you can contact Satu Helmi, the Project Manager of the career tracking information for use -project: satu.helmi@turkuamk.fi / 050 598 5563 or Xamk Alumni- and Business Relations Coordinator Laura Häkkinen: laura.hakkinen@xamk.fi.