Our quality system consists of quality policy, quality responsibilities and the methods and tools to asses and improve our activities. Xamk quality management bases on the principle of continuous development of the PDCA model (Plan, Do, Check, Act) where the four stages
form an iterative cycle.


The aims of the Xamk quality system are

  • systematically produce information to support the management and development of activities to ensure the quality of all activities.
  • ensure that the information is used to support the development activities at all the levels of the organisation.
  • clarify and harmonise the responsibilities of all actors concerning quality management.
  • standardise the practices and to share good practices.
  • support the participation of the Xamk community members – students, staff, and stakeholders – in developing the activities.
  • strengthen the quality culture, ie the atmosphere of continuous development.
  • maintain and strengthen transparency, reliability and confidentiality.

The main elements of the quality system are shown in the following figure.




Description of the Xamk quality management is available from here Description of the quality management