Hinku network – Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities
(20.5.2020 KT)

The towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku) network brings together municipalities, businesses, citizens and experts to create and carry out solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The municipalities involved are committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions more extensively and rapidly than EU targets require. The network aims to create solutions that have economic and social benefits as well as environmental advantages. Some Finnish regions are also involved in Hinku network. The network is coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). Emission reduction target: -80% CO2 (2007>2030)

In Finland there are 70 Hinku municipalities and four Hinku regions; Kymenlaakso region is one of the Hinku regions.

Read more:
https://www.hiilineutraalisuomi.fi/en-US/Hinku [accessed 20.5.2020]

https://www.kymenlaakso.fi/in-english/carbon-neutral-kymenlaakso-region-2040 [accessed 20.5.2020]