Requirements on Indoor Air Quality in the context of emissions from building products

Tuesday April 23rd from 12 to 2 pm in the Building A, room A124 (60 seats), Mikkeli campus of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

This presentation will cover the different factors (physical, chemical, biological, and psychological) affecting indoor environmental and air quality. A special focus will be drawn on requirements on VOC indoors (German perspective). These will be discussed against the upcoming regulations on VOC emissions under the European construction products regulation with focus on wood material.

The event is free of charge and open to all.

We ask you to register at

On Wednesday 24th there is another presentation in Savonlinna

The presentations are a part of  RAKES 2020 (in Finnish)

DR Martin Ohlmeyer

Martin Ohlmeyer, kasvokuva Head of unit Human Health and Consumer Protection Thünen-Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg, Germany formerly known as: Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products (BFH), Institute for Wood Physics and Mechanical Technology of Wood
Policy advice for the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in the field of wood and process technology, material properties and esp. product emissions.


More Info


Anti Rohumaa
Project manager
040 185 4173 | anti.rohumaa (at)

Kiti Venäläinen
Project Specialist
040 663 0546 | kiti.venalainen (at)


Milla Sairanen
Development Engineer
milla.sairanen (at)


The presentation is a part of the project Building cluster competence development in South-Savo. The project identifies the building industry’s competence needs and plans new learning paths and training content (e.g. industrial wood construction, building technology / building automation, renovation and other special construction) based on the needs. One of the goals is to increase the engineering and technology expertise of construction companies in South Savo, especially in the field of industrial wood construction and automation technology.