Purpose was to benchmark and compare quality management procedures used for the evaluation of learning.

The purpose of the EQLO project was to benchmark and compare quality management procedures used for the evaluation of learning outcomes in Finland (Mamk, Kyamk), Scotland (UWS) and Kansas, USA (WU), both at the university level and in nursing programs. In addition, the aim was to find good practices for learning outcomes evaluation in order to improve management procedures and learning outcomes evaluation in nursing programs.

The results of the benchmarking project will be used to improve learning outcomes evaluation in partner universities’ quality systems and in nursing programmes. The results have been reported to partner universities’ management teams and faculties, and they will be made public at a FINEEC seminar in May 2015. The benchmarking results are also published in the form of this publication in Mamk’s publication series.

The EQLO benchmarking process produced a huge number of observations and generated a lot of development ideas.  One of the participants observed that although the focus of the project was learning outcomes evaluation, the project generated lots of qualitative data on top of the topic. The purpose of benchmarking is to learn from others and not to reinvent the wheel, and all partners found something of interest that could be applied to the procedures of their own universities. Also, they identified many of their own strengths which they perhaps can make better use of in the future. The benchmarking gave a great opportunity to learn from other universities’ good practices. It remains to be seen what kind of changes – preferably permanent – will take place in the partner universities.

Hankkeen julkaisu


Marjaana Kivelä
p. 040 826 6070



ENHANCING LEARNING OUTCOMES - quality management at the university level and in nursing programmes- EQLO –project

01.09.2013 – 31.10.2014


Hallinnoija: Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu

Osatoteuttajat: University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences (Kyamk) and Washburn University (WU), Kansas, the USA


Rahoittaja ja päärahoituslähde: OKM - Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö