Young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) don’t recognize the barriers to and strengths
of their professional growth. They are not able to work towards realistic professional goals. Unemployment causes
social exclusion. People whose first language is a foreign language are more often outside the labor market. In
Helsinki, 10 % of Finnish or Swedish speaking young people and every third of young people speaking a foreign first
language were unemployeds or outside the labor market in 2015. During the same year 20 % of 20-29 year-olds living
in Helsinki didn’t have a degree after basic education. 40 percent of these had a foreign mother tongue.
The aim of this project is to:
1) support young people in a weaker position in the labor market to see their life as a whole, recognize the strengths of
and barriers to their professional growth, and work towards realistic professional goals. We will especially support
NEETs with immigrant background.
2) develop the future planning methods for youth in youth workshops, immigrant NGOs and Ohjaamos (one-stop
guidance centers for young people) together with youth and professionals in order to reach the aims mentioned above
more effectively. The professionals will get improved tools to support the youth’s participation, sense of community,
health and working skills.
We collect the methods, develop and evaluate new approaches together with professionals and youth in youth
workshops, immigrant NGOs and Ohjaamos by benchmarking. The new approaches will utilize digital tools, for
example the NäytönPaikka web-service of The Finnish Setlement Movement and e-guidance in immigrant NGOs. We
will especially focus on NEETs with immigrant background, equality and health issues. We will experiment different
gender-sensitive approaches in immigrant NGOs. In Motive project, the personal support of young people in
vulnerable position strengthen gender equality, social sustainability and parity. The approaches will be productised,
published in a digital handbook and distributed in Southern Finland.
The project will be implemented by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, South-Eastern Finland University of
Applied Sciences (Xamk) and R3 Immigrant Youth Association together with youth workshops in Helsinki Vocational
College, Ohjaamo Kouvola and Ohjaamo Keski-Uusimaa. We will work together with Finnish Refugee Council, The
National Roma Forum of Finland and National Workshop Association in communication and distribution.

More information


Project Manager Kirsi Purhonen,

+358 40 652 9681,


Motive - New future planning approaches for young people

1 March 2017 – 31 October 2019

Project partners

Lead partner: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Partners: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences; R3-respect, rights and responsibility

Focus areas: Sustainable wellbeing


Total budget: € 587 403

XAMK part of the total budget: € 145 000

Financiers and main source of funding: The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre): European Social Fund (ESF)