The epidemic situation has weakened after the Christmas period, which has led to the need to tighten the coronavirus restrictions. As a result, the Management Team has made new decions concerning Xamk’s coronavirus instructions.


Theoretical instruction is arranged remotely for all students until 30 January. This also applies to degree students and exchange students who have started or are starting their studies in January. The orientation periods for these students are arranged remotely. Remote teaching will start from Friday 7 January onwards, in accordance with the group-specific schedules previously announced.

Only absolutely necessary contact teaching – such as simulation and laboratory exercises and Paja workshop training – is provided on campus, observing the safety and hygiene instructions.

The above guidelines also apply to open UAS, continuing education and commissioned education.

Campus facilities

The Exam rooms for electronic examinations are open.

The sports facilities are closed until 30 January.

Remote work

The recommendation for the staff to work remotely continues until 30 January in all positions where it is possible.

Instructions and communication

Xamk continues to monitor the coronavirus situation and will make any required changes to the instructions. The students and staff are advised to follow the Lux intranet and email bulletins.

​​​​​​​Xamk’s coronavirus instructions 

CEO’s coronavirus info video to the students (2 min 18 s)