Oghenetega Ajueyitsi is studying Digital International Business at Xamk. Now she tells why she chose Xamk as a place to study and what she thinks are the best things in studying. 


why you should choose Xamk as a place to study

  • Amazing teaching system 
  • Beautiful infrastructures 
  • Safe environment to be yourself 
  • Beautiful classrooms 
  • Affordable student lunch 


why someone should choose to study on your programme: 

(Digital international business) 

  • Very practical  
  • Prepares you for future work life 
  • Teaches you how to work in a team 
  • Challenges you in a good way  
  • Gives you room for creativity 


things you’ve learned during your studies

  • Learned how to come out of my shell 
  • Learned how to communicate better with people  
  • Learned how to express my thoughts and ideas 
  • Learned how to be punctual with my studies
  • Learned how to prioritize my studies 


photos of things that are important to you that reflect your studies or student life

  1. First picture was the first time I came to campus and saw XAMK  “in person”.


2. Second picture is me and my friend taking a bathroom picture during a break in class (im the one in red).


3. Third picture is me trying kouvolan lakritsi (liquorice) because the company did a presentation in my course. I was in Nigeria at the time and I  saw the liquorice later in R kioski and decided to taste it.


4. Fourth was me enjoying a peaceful morning.


5. Fifth is me eating Finnish burger brand Hesburger after doing some homework.


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