Document transparency

Description of the data and documents of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

In order to implement the principle of publicity, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences maintains a description of the information resources and register of matters it manages in accordance with the Information Management Act (906/2019).

The description indicates, among other things, how customers and other interested parties can search for and obtain public information.

How to make a request for information?

Requests for information relating to a document should be sent to the Registry, where they will be registered in order to keep track of deadlines. The Registry will forward the requests for information to the correct person in the organisation.

Requests for information can be made by e-mail:

The institution is obliged to respond to your request for information within 14 days. If the request is exceptionally large or involves a larger than normal workload, a response will be given within one month.

You can submit a request for information and review of personal data processing through Xamk’s data privacy page.

Where and how to find information?

Comprehensive information on the activities of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences can be found on the public website:

This document description describes in more detail Xamk’s data repositories, the data sets they contain and the information system services in which the data are processed.

The repositories are datasets containing data sets. Datasets are a set of data consisting of documents.

Information and data resources

An administrative data warehouse is a logical repository of information on the management and processing of administrative, decision-making, legal, case management, procurement and security data.

Data resources

  • Administrative guidance
  • Domestic cooperation
  • Organisation, management, planning and development of activities (quality system, quality management)
  • Decision-making and management
  • Audit
  • Security and preparedness

The administrative governance dataset consists of institution/trust body election and composition data and Ministry of Education and Culture governance, contract, statistical and reporting data.

The domestic cooperation data set consists of information on cooperation between domestic actors outside the higher education institution (e.g. the state, higher education institutions, other educational institutions, etc.) and related documents.

Organisation, management, planning and development The data set consists, inter alia, of information produced by the quality system to support management and development. It is used at different levels of the organisation.

The decision-making and management data consists of, for example, the procedures and minutes of meetings and related documents of the institutions of the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland and its trustees.

Audit data consists of external and internal control data on operations, administration and finances.

The security and preparedness dataset consists of public order, emergency planning, handling of incidents and special situations, emergency preparedness and related documents.

Information systems

Administrative data is registered in the case management system of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. Data sets and information are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to the administrative data warehouse, pages related to the repository

A human resources data warehouse is a logical repository of information that includes the management and processing of data related to recruitment, employment, well-being, payroll and skills development.

Data resources

  • Personnel management
  • Employment relations
  • Payment of salaries, wages and allowances
  • Skills development
  • Promoting well-being at work
  • Cooperation

The Human Resources Management dataset consists of information on human resources management and related documents.

The data file on staff relations consists of information and documents relating to the creation and description of posts, recruitment, and the commencement, performance and termination of employment.

Payment of salaries, wages and allowances The data file contains, inter alia, salary and allowance data and data on travel and subsistence allowances.

The competence development data file shall consist of staff training and development and related documents.

The data file on the promotion of well-being at work consists of information on cooperation, health and safety at work, well-being at work and recreational activities and related documents.

The information material on cooperation consists of information and documents relating to collective bargaining.

Information systems

Personnel-related data files are registered in the Human Resources Information System Services. In addition, data are included in the information system services for recruitment, monitoring of working time allocation, case management, electronic archives and paper archives.

The data sets are not available through an open interface (other than through the public search for persons). Xamk People Search.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to the staff data warehouse, pages related to the repository

The International Services repository is a logical repository for the management and processing of information related to the development of international competences of students and staff and the promotion of internationalisation.

Data resources

  • Planning and steering international affairs
  • International participation and mobility

The international planning and governance dataset consists of information related to international planning, guidelines, statistics and reporting.

Participation in international activities and international mobility The data set consists of information and documents related to international cooperation and participation in activities, mobility agreements, student and staff mobility and related documents.

Information systems

The data is contained in the case management system of the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland and in the paper file. The records are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to international services data warehouse, pages related to the repository

The repository for real estate and facility services is a logical repository of data related to the construction, maintenance, use and services of real estate and facilities.

Data resources

• Construction, maintenance, operation and services of buildings

The building construction, maintenance, operation and services dataset includes camera surveillance data, key management data, ID card data, property data and access control data.

Information systems

Data from the property and facilities services are processed in the property management information system and the case management system. Camera surveillance data is stored in a separate camera surveillance system. The data sets are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

Camera surveillance is part of personal and premises security, and the data and logs contained in the cameras are confidential (Act on the Publicity of Public Authority Activities 24 § 7). The information is only disclosed to the police as preliminary investigation material in the case of suspected abuse or criminal offences in order to implement the internal security and surveillance of the UAS.

Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun kirjaamo käsittelee kiinteistö- ja tilapalveluiden tietovarantoon liittyviä tietopyyntöjä,

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to buildings and facility services data warehouse, pages related to the repository

A library and information repository is a logical repository of information about the management and processing of library and information services organised to support learning and research.

Data resources

  • Publishing
  • Library planning and development
  • Provision of library services

The publishing data set consists of information and documents related to publishing activities and processes.

The library planning and development dataset consists of guidelines, rules, plans and agreements relating to library activities. In addition, there is also data on reporting, monitoring and statistics.

Provision of library services The data set consists of information on materials and loans, statistics and contracts.

Information systems

Information from the library and information repository is processed in the library services information system services, the publication system and the case management system. The data sets are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to library and information activities data warehouse, pages related to the repository

The Education data repository is a logical repository of data related to the planning, guidance, implementation and monitoring of UAS education, open and continuing education, specialisation training and alumni activities.

Data resources

  • Alumni activities
  • Open university and further education
  • Organisation of specialisation training
  • Training guidance
  • Delivery of teaching
  • Student affairs

The alumni information file consists of information and documents related to alumni activities.

The Open University of Applied Sciences and Continuing Education dataset consists of information and documents related to planning and guidance and the organisation of studies.
The information material on the organisation of specialised training consists of information and documents relating to the organisation of training.

The educational guidance data file contains information and documents related to the planning, development and guidance of education and training.

The educational delivery data file consists of information and documents related to the preparation, decision-making, implementation and monitoring of educational activities, including information and documents related to the guidance of students and the implementation of traineeships.

The student affairs dataset contains information and documents relating to student selection, assessment and the assessment appeals procedure, student welfare and guidance.

Information systems

The information included in the data set is contained in the case management system, teaching information systems and teaching information system interfaces, the case management system, the information system services of the electronic archive, and the e-government system and paper records of the University of Applied Sciences of South-Eastern Finland. The data sets are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to education data warehouse, pages related to the repository

A financial data warehouse is a logical repository of information related to procurement, accounting and payments, asset management, finance and fundraising, and financial planning, management, implementation and monitoring.

Data resources

  • Procurement
  • Accounting and payments
  • Asset management
  • Finance and fundraising
  • Financial planning, implementation and monitoring

The Procurement Information File contains, among other things, Procurement Proposal Information, Procurement Decision Information, Call for Tender Information, Supplier Information, Contract Information and related documents.

The accounting and payments data file contains, inter alia, accounting data, sales and purchase invoice data, travel and expense invoice data, data and documents related to collections, internal accounting and taxation.

The Asset Management dataset contains fixed assets and insurance data and related documents.

The financial and asset management data file contains data on applications for funding and decisions, investment and other asset management data and related documents.

The financial planning, implementation and monitoring data file contains budget data, investment data, financial forecast data, financial statement and audit data and documents.

Information systems

This information is processed in several financial management information systems and in the procurement information system. In addition, data from this repository are processed in the case management system and in paper form. The data sets are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

As a rule, the documents in the repository are public, but some documents or parts of documents may be confidential. For example, procurement and financial documents often contain business secrets.

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to economy data warehouse, pages related to the repository

An information repository for information management and data management is a logical repository of information that includes information related to the development of information management and archiving, documents related to records management and requests for information, information management and case management related to the installation, use and maintenance of information systems and hardware, and information security and data protection.

Data resources

  • Development and guidance on data management and archiving
  • Information security and data protection
  • Data management and information services
  • Development and management of information management
  • Installation, operation and maintenance of information systems and hardware

Development and management of information management and archiving The information material consists of plans, reports and statistics.

The data set on security and data protection consists, inter alia, of the handling of security breaches and impact assessments and related documents.

Information management and data service data set consists of lists and documents related to document management and archiving, information and documents related to data service management and documents related to research authorisations.

Information management development and control consists of plans, reporting and statistical data.

The data file on the installation, operation and maintenance of information systems and equipment consists of information systems user rights management, information systems and equipment design, operation, maintenance and shutdown, user support and related documentation.

Information systems

Data from the repository is processed by the information system services for system management and support programmes. In addition, the case management system contains the information contained in the dataset. The datasets are not available through an open interface.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to data and information management data warehouse, pages related to the repository

• More information on the processing of personal data can be found on Xamk’s data privacy page.

A research and development repository is a logical repository of applied research, development and innovation data management and processing.

Data resources

  • Research and development guidance, planning, monitoring and supervision
  • Carrying out research and development activities
  • Research ethics
  • Management of intellectual property rights

Research and development management, planning, monitoring and control The data set consists of project conception, preparation, application for funding and related documents.

Implementation of research and development activities The data set consists of information on the organisation and implementation of projects and related documentation.

Research ethics activities: data on the activities of the Research Ethics Committee and the handling of allegations of breaches of good scientific practice, and related documentation.

The IPR management file consists of the handling of invention disclosures and other documents and information on IPR management.

Information systems

The information contained in the datasets is processed in the case management system, the customer relationship management system and the project management system, among others.

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to research and development (RDI) data warehouse, pages related to the repository

The Communication and Marketing Repository is a logical repository of information on external and internal communication and marketing, as well as information on communication development, management and planning.

Data resources

  • Communication development and steering
  • Implementing communication

The Communication development and management data set consists of plans and guidelines for communication and its development.

The communication implementation dataset consists of external communication, internal communication, marketing, emergency communication, public relations and stakeholder communication and related documents.

Information systems

Communication and marketing data is processed in several information systems, including the Customer Information System and the ordering system. As a rule, data sets are not available via an open interface (with the exception of the Xamk media bank).

Making a request for information

The registry of the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences handles information requests related to communication and marketing data warehouse, pages related to the repository

Contact us

Markus Häkkinen