Here you will find information about registering as absent and the form for reporting your absence.
Enrollment for non-attendance in the first study year
Reasons for non-attendance for the first academic year
Enrollment for non-attendance
As a student enrolled for non-attendance
Submitting the non-attendance document
You can enrol for non-attendance for the first academic year for the following reasons only
Prove the legal grounds for your non-attendance with the given documents :
- Completing military service, civilian service or voluntary military service for women in Finland, service under the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or Act on Women’s Voluntary Military Service (194/1995)
- required document: Call-up order or a conscript card
- You need leave from studies to care for child in connection with the child’s birth or adoption
- required document: Kela’s certificate regarding maternity, paternity or parental allowance period or, if the certificate has not yet been received, a medical certificate regarding the pregnancy or
- corresponding certificates from the authorities of other countries regarding statutory parental leave
- Personal illness or injury that prevents you from studying
- Sickness allowance decision or, if no decision exists, a medical certificate. The medical certificate must state which illness or injury the student suffers from, and that this condition prevents the student from beginning their studies on 1 January / 1 August.
- Obstacles caused by the practical arrangements required by the illness or injury: an adequate clarification, e.g. a certificate from the student housing foundation that the student is on the waiting list for an apartment required by his or her injury.
The documents proving the legal grounds for your non-attendance must be delivered by the deadline for accepting the offer of admission.
Enrollment for non-attendance
- Accept the offer of admission.
- Enrol for non-attendance.
- Submit the document proving the legal grounds for your non-attendance
- Upload the certificates used for applying to your application form on Studyinfo.fi according to the instructions on the website for new students.
If you enrol for non-attendance for the first study year but fail to submit sufficient proof of the legal grounds for the non-attendance, you will be registered as an attending student.
If you are liable to pay tuition fee for the studies and have legal grounds for non-attendance, submit the document proving the legal grounds for your non-attendance and contact the Admission Services by the deadline for accepting the offer of admission. You are not required to pay the tuition fee for the period of non-attendance.
As a student enrolled for non-attendance
- You cannot pursue studies during the semesters of non-attendance.
- You have no right for the Kela financial aid or the daily supported meal.
- You are also not entitled to any student benefits (e.g. travel discounts, use of the school’s internet facilities etc.)
Your study place at Xamk is reserved for you during the semesters of non-attendance. If you enrol for non-attendance for the academic year, we will send you information by email during spring about next year’s enrolment. You can begin the studies by enrolling for attendance according to the enrolment instructions.
Please note that as an non-attending student, you are yourself responsible for the continuation and progress of your studies because the courses offered to students can vary from one academic year to another. It is also possible that the degree programme does not have an intake for new students every year (e.g. some Master’s degree programmes).

Submitting the non-attendance document
Contact Admission Services
Xamk’s Admissions Services primarily assists with matters related to applying for degree studies. You can contact us by phone or through our online form.

Mon-Fri 09.00-12.00
Degree education in Finnish:
- +358 44 702 8891
- +358 40 585 6610
Degree education in English:
- +358 40 585 6610
Contact request via online form: