Individual path to profession
The aim was to create and develop a cost effective language learning programme (finnish as a foreign language) that
combines indivual self-learning by utilizing digitalisation and forms of functional learning.
The project is finished.
Objectives, actions and results
The aim is to create and develop a cost effective language learning programme (finnish as a foreign language) that
combines indivual self-learning by utilizing digitalisation and forms of functional learning. The learning programme
“Briefcase” will be tailored at the end of the integration training for immigrants especially for those who have not yet found their individual path to their profession. The “Briefcase” concept is based on the development of the individual´s
professional language skills on the level that is required in the worklife, this would help individuals work orientation and
support the opportunities in employment. In addition we will aim to create a functional model where the 3rd sector and
the worklife will be a part of supporting and supervising the language learning process of immigrants.
The other aim is to develop a model of transferring the information “Skills portfolio”, that the students with an immigrant
backround are able to utlise when applying to education, work or starting their own business. The Skills portfolio
utilises the digitalisation in many ways, as well as helps the immigrant to evaluate their own skills compared to
requirements of worklife and education standards in Finland. The Skills portfolio will also assist the possible employers
when evaluating the candidates knowledge and skills in recruiting process.
Gender transparency and the equal opportunities is included in all functions in this development project. How the
project will affect females or males will be taken in consideration in all work functions (mainstreaming).
Gender equality is also apparent in the Individualization process. By individualization we can identify the individual
needs for the specific skills they may require. Also the AHOT-process that polytechnics are using support immigrants
equal opportunities.
BriefCase – Individual path to profession

More information
Jaana Poikolainen
Project manager
044 702 8832