Supporting the commercialization of innovations
We identify the support needs for commercializing business innovations in South Savo through innovation capability assessments.
We will interview 50 companies with innovation potential in the area.
Key actions
- Identifying potential innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the region.
- Mapping out commercialization challenges and needs within SMEs.
- Analyzing collected data to determine the needs and opportunities of SMEs.
- Providing tailored support and guidance towards existing services.
- Developing services for the commercialization of innovations.
The project receives funding through the Alueiden kestävän kasvun ja elinvoiman tukeminen fund (AKKE) by the South Savo Regional Council.
Innovation capability assessments for companies
In the assessment, we examine the company’s innovation capabilities from customer, product, and business perspectives. The goal is to evaluate the importance of capabilities that influence the company’s innovation potential, as well as their current state. Additionally, we will collaboratively consider what kind of support might be needed to further develop innovation activities, based on available resources.
We will conduct the assessment for 50 companies with innovation potential in South Savo. The goal is for Xamk, together with other regional actors, to better address the needs and challenges related to companies’ innovation activities. After the survey, we aim to identify available support services and provide assistance and guidance through tips, suggestions, and, in some cases, mutually agreed actions. If multiple companies have similar development needs, we strive to find and develop common solutions for them. The assessments will be carried out via Teams or in person.
A good cross-section of various themes
The innovation assessment tool has received positive feedback from participating companies for its comprehensiveness. It has helped companies evaluate the importance and current state of various innovation capabilities and has proven to be an excellent tool that companies would like to continue using internally in the future.
Benefits for companies
Benefits for companies are indirect, as the main goal is to identify support needs related to innovation activities and the commercialization of innovations.
- The assessment tool helps in identifying own strengths, areas for development, and innovation ideas.
- Through feedback, companies gain information about public services offered in the region.
- The assessment provides an opportunity to identify companies with potentially similar needs.
- Companies have the chance to present their own goals.

Collaboration with other stakeholders
The project collaborates closely with other regional initiatives that support innovation (such as EESpäin Innovaatiot, DIH, NOHEVA) and nearby stakeholders, including universities of applied sciences, funders, development companies, and public entities.
The collaboration focuses particularly on promoting information exchange and ensuring easy access to services.
The project strengthens the regional innovation ecosystem, enhances the identification of innovation capabilities in SMEs, and promotes cross-regional collaboration to advance innovation activities.
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