Competitiveness and growth in promoting the employment of foreign UAS students
The main objective of the KILKAS project was to develop and implement a working model to contribute to the employment and integration of foreign students to the Finnish labor markets.
International student’s path to employment in Finland!
The main objective of the KILKAS project was to develop and implement a working model to contribute to the employment and integration of foreign students to the Finnish labor markets. The project collected and further processed the experience and results of the partners’ previous projects and pilots, regional good practices as well as new approaches into a national working model for the disposal of all universities of applied sciences (UASs) in Finland.
Start building your career path!
This is a model for international students starting their studies and heading for employment in Finland
You can find all the material published from our Finnish project website.

KILKAS – Competitiveness and growth in promoting the employment of foreign UAS students
Contact info
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Project Manager Pia Kaari, pia.kaari@xamk.fi
Project was implemented in co-operation with:Oulu, Seinäjoki, Tampere and TurkuUniversities of Applied Sciences