Psychological determinants of performance in the rescue service amid societal and work-related changes
A research project of psychological determinants of performance and its impairments in rescue services in 2023-25 (funded by Fire Protection Fund).
Psychological determinants of performance in rescue services
The goal of this research project of South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is to scientifically investigate the psychological determinants of performance of fire fighters including studying perseverance, breaking points, survival and adaptation.
Different angles to the psychological determinants of performance
In the sub-studies of this project, the aim is to find out more about communal and individual determinants of the psychological performance of fire fighters and their impairment in the midst of changes, surviving tragedies in a work community and moral stress/injury as phenomena. The studies of this project are mainly qualitative, and quantitative research forms a smaller part. The aim of this research project is to publish articles in highly ranked international, peer-reviewed journals. Also, supporting the development of rescue services is the aim of the results of this project.
Web-based trainings included
Web-based trainings for fire fighters and work communities in rescue services will be produced and they will be freely available.