Virtual work guidance and initiating within service industry
The project improved the digital orientation and work guidance, making related information more accessible and available for service businesses.
The project is finished.
The project aims at improving productivity and work wellbeing in the service sector of the Etelä-Savo region.
Our comprehensive objective in this project is to improve productivity and work wellbeing in the service businesses of the Etelä-Savo region. The goals of the project are the following:
- a) to develop digital tools and methods to promote the know-how of companies in orientation and work guidance
- b) to increase the meaningfulness of work experienced by workers and superiors and to ease the processes of orientation and work guidance
- c) to strengthen the equal opportunities of the staff to receive orientation and work guidance
- d) to improve the contents, availability and timing of work guidance.
To achieve these goals we use several methods as follows:
- First we study and identify the needs and the systems and practices used that relate to digital orientation and work guidance.After that we collect ideas and possibilities digital methods together.
- Then we continue by piloting different new methods of digital orientation and work guidance.
- Finally we learn from peer experiences, distribute new information on digital work guidance and consider needs for further developments.
As the result of this project the digital tools of digital orientation and work guidance improve work wellbeing and superiors’ management expertise for long-term use. As a short-term effect, the project helps to develop and update the management knowledge and operations models and to increase companies’ knowledge of digital tools. The project improves the digital orientation and work guidance, making related information more accessible and available for service businesses. All this reduces the time used for orientation and work guidance.

For further interest
- Maistuvaa muikusta. Uusia ruokatuotteita ammattikeittiöille.
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- Digillä dialogia – ruokatuottajien ja asiakkaiden kohtaaminen
- Digiverstas
Virtual work guidance and initiating within service industry
More information
Katariina Kovanen
Project manager
050 3447 453
Teemu Pulkkinen
RDI specialist
050 4796569
Anu Ahlström
RDI specialist
040 6476936