CROP – Creativity Rises Opportunities for Partnership

CROP enhances the creative thinking of recent Arts and Humanities graduates through the spillover concept.

“We develop practical, high-impact solutions.”

Enhancing Creative Thinking

CROP uses the concept of spillover applied to creativity to enhance the creative thinking of students and graduates who have been in A&H for no more than two years. Students – during their training – will be actively involved in community networks with cultural and creative industries (CCI) stakeholders and develop practical skills in the search for solutions with high local impact.

Students – during their training – will be actively involved in community networks with cultural and creative industries (CCI) stakeholders and develop practical skills in the search for solutions with high local impact.

Main Objectives


The project includes:

  • Mapping and identification of needs/challenges proposed by cultural and creative industries (CCI) stakeholders
  • The development and delivery of an online master’s course in which theoretical lectures alternate with practical workshops including peer learning sessions with lecturers, experts and stakeholders for the development of solutions/products/services and/or processes, analysed in project work
  • Dissemination of results


The project aims to produce the following outcomes:

  • Equip students with certified knowledge and skills (ODB) expendable in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) labour market and/or in the development of their own business idea
  • Stimulating teachers of HEIs to use new teaching methodologies in curricular pathways
  • Strengthening local and civic engagement processes to build up community networks
  • Sharing best practices and solutions that are scalable and/or replicable in other contexts/territories

CROP & Events

In this section you can find information about upcoming and past events. The site will be updated during the project.

CROP & Results

This section will be updated to reflect the results of project and interesting highlights throughout the project.

Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö
Silja Suntola
Project Manager
Social media
Luovan talouden tutkimusyksikkö

Works in Finland, at Xamk’s campus in Kouvola, at Meduusa Studio. Part of the Creative Industries research unit and works as a RDI-specialist. Specializes in Gamification & Digitalization.

Miikka-Petteri Lesonen
RDI Specialist
Social media


Project name:

CROP – Creativity Rises Opportunities for Partnership

Project duration: 1.1.2024–31.10.2025


Lead partner: Materahub
Partial partners: XAMK, UPTEC, University of Porto


Financier and main source of funding: Erasmus+
Total budget: 380 000 €
Xamk part of the total budget: 80 000 €

Project partners
