European Union, European Social Fund

Guidance Center "Olkkari" 2.0

Guidance Center “Olkkari” 2.0 project aims to expand the guidance center youth services from Mikkeli to neigboring smaller municipalities.

The project is finished.


Our aim is that the Guidance Center youth services are digitally available for all youth under 30 years old in Mikkeli and neighbouring smaller municipalities. Through digital services we can provide guidance, advice and information regarding education, employment and leisure time. We also develop multidisciplinary digital services for Guidance Center.

Another key objective is to establish models for housing counseling, financial counseling and sexual counseling as part of Guidance Center youth services. We aim to increase the multidisciplinary network’s capacity to support mental health and prevent loneliness of young people.

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) takes part in developing the digital Guidance Center youth services. In addition to this, Xamk especially focuses on developing a coaching programme that aims to strengthen agency, participation and employability of young people. We work towards enhancing career skills, resilience and future awareness of the youth.

Project name:

Guidance Center “Olkkari” 2.0

Project duration: 1.4.2021–30.11.2023


Lead partner: The South Savo Social and Health Care Authority (ESSOTE)
Partial partners: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Area of strength: Sustainable wellbeing
Research unit: Juvenia


Total budget: EUR 486 566
Xamk part of the total budget: EUR 123 975

More information

Antti Rantaniva
Project manager
040 623 3082

Ville Eerikäinen
RDI specialist
040 141 8836