The project creates an active regional cooperation structure of experts, companies and educational institutions.

The aim of the project is to create a systematic and active regional cooperation structure of international experts, companies, educational institutions and other support and service organizations. The project supports national Talent Boost programme and its objectives. 

International student,

If you are interested in getting to know companies and employers in your field, here is your opportunity.

  • A chance to work in a local company for 2-5 days as a trainee.
  • Employer gives you tasks for the agreed period.
  • You are a member of the working community and learn soft skills required in Finnish work life.
  • Work is unpaid.
  • Language used during the traineeship is English but you are always welcome to learn and use basic Finnish.
  • This traineeship does not replace the practical training that is part of your studies, but it can well be your chance to attain finding an interesting practical training position or a summer job.
  • Traineeship periods will be scheduled not to interfere you studies.
  • Companies taking part in the traineeship program come in various sizes and are from different industries and this program is serving their willingness to find students searching for practical training positions or thesis subjects.

In case you wish to use this unique offer, fill out and submit this form. We will contact you when we have a suitable company available for you.

Submitting the form is not binding. Also note that this traineeship is entirely voluntary.

Questions? Contact

Niko Arola, , tel +358 40 53809 961

Riitta Lappi,, tel 358 40 844 8337

Päivi Kuusinen,, tel 358 44 550 6433

Let’s find out together how Finnish workplaces work for you!


Kokka kohti tulevaisuuden Etelä-Savoa – Etelä-Savon ammattiopisto (

More information

Niko Arola
p +358 40 5380 961

Riitta Lappi
p +358 40 844 8337


Talent Hub South Savo

1 April 2021 – 31 May 2023

Project partners

Lead partner: Etelä-Savon Koulutus Oy

Partners: South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences

Other partners: Itä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä


Total budget: € 359176

XAMK part of the total budget: € 89250

Financiers and main source of funding: Center of Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, European Union Social Fund