Virtual Laboratory of Robotics is preparing for the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence degree, which will begin at Xamk in the autumn of 2021.


South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences is preparing to start a new engineering education program in Robotics and AI. New program starts in autumn 2021. Focus in this project is to prepare and plan a virtual laboratory environment for the robotics. After this project when investment will be done, this simulation environment supports fully the education program in robotics and AI and in addition, it works as a platform for development projects with companies and collaboration networks.

Main activities

  1. Based on curricula of Robotics and AI education program will be done a requirement analysis of available simulation
  2. Based on requirement analysis will be done mapping and benchmarking of available simulation environments.
    Especially how these simulation environments apply to education program’s needs.
  3. Analysing the development requirements and compatibility of different simulation environments.
  4. Consultation and basic level training accomplished of chosen simulation environments.
  5.  Tendering and purchase process prepared of chosen simulation environments.


Later on after this preparation project when this simulation environment is up and running it can be used also as demo and piloting environment. Environment enable to test robotization in manufacturing process by building digital twins of machines or virtual models of production plants. Pilot projects can be done in collaboration with students and companies. Horizontal principles of this project focuses on sustainable development of local economy and development of immaterial services and products.

More information

Riku Heino
Project manager
Digitaalinen talous


Virtual Laboratory of Robotics

1 January 2021 – 28 February 2022

Project partners

Lead partner: South-Eastern Finland university of applied sciences, Xamk

Focus areas: Digital economy


Total budget: € 162 928

Financiers and main source of funding: EAKR - Euroopan aluekehitysrahasto

Index terms