Graduated student

In this page you will find information how to order different kind of certificates

Official copies of certificates

Course descriptions and other study-related documents

Certificates related to studies after degree completion

Student affairs office’s price list

Degree certificate attachments

Graduates from Xamk receive a transcript of records and a Diploma Supplement as attachments to their degree certificate. Additionally, they receive an English translation of the transcript of records. Graduates from English-taught programs receive their degree certificate in both Finnish and English.

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement is an attachment to the higher education degree certificate intended for international use. It provides additional information about the studies completed by the student, the level of the degree, and the qualifications the degree confers for further studies and employment. The Diploma Supplement facilitates the mobility of graduates and the professional and academic recognition of degrees.

More infotmation about Europass:

Course descriptions and other study-related documents

You can access Xamk’s course descriptions for free in the online study guide

Home | Study Guide, XAMK

Other course descriptions are available for a fee.

Before you pay for an order of course descriptions or other study-related documents, please send us the details of the descriptions or documents you need through

Once the student services office has confirmed that the documents you need are available, please confirm your order and make the payment using this form:

E-lomake – Todistusjäljennösten tilaaminen (tutkintoon johtava koulutus) (

Order Form for Course Descriptions and Other Documents

Please note that the order is binding, and the payment will not be refunded even if you cancel the order later.

If you have any questions, please contact the student services office via Xinfo service.

A student who has graduated or discontinued their studies in a degree program can obtain an official copy of their diploma (including all attachments) or their transcript of records. Course descriptions are also available. A fee, in accordance with the Student Services price list, will be charged for the documents.

Student affairs office´s price list

Handling fee for application 50 €
Council of State Decree 932/2014 §
(restoration of right to study, extension of right to study, separate right to study)

Certified copy of degree certificate 60 €
(of the original certificate copy, including all enclosures)
1 certificate copy costs 60 €, and additional copies 10 € each

Certified copy of transcript of records, after resignation 30 €

Certified copy of certificates for education not leading to a degree 30 €
(Open UAS, specialisation studies, continuing and further education)

Course description and other statements 30 €


Official copies of certificates

  • At Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences between 1.8.1996 -31.12.2016
  • At Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences between 1.1.2001-31.12.2016
  • At South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) between 1.1.2017 – 26.2.2021
  • From March 26, 2021, onwards, the graduation certificate is electronic. You can order a replacement certificate for a lost degree certificate through this link.
  • For those who have interrupted their studies at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) from 1.1. 2017, onwards,

If you have completed a degree during the mentioned periods, you can order an official copy of your degree certificate (including all attachments).


Every graduate from a university is an alumnus. Read more about alumnus here

If you have studied but discontinued your studies at the mentioned institutions during the specified periods, you can order an official copy of your transcript of records.

Please note that the order is binding, and the payment will not be refunded even if you cancel the order later.