Center of expertice Nuoska (2020-2023)
youth work at schools and educational institutions
During 2020-2023 Nuoska was one of six centers funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The centers formed an entirety, which supported the implementation of the national youth work and policy program. Centres developed and promoted the competence, expertise and information at the field of youth work in accordance with the Youth Act.
Nuoska developed youth work models at schools and educational institutes.
The objectives and tasks of Nuoska (2020-2023)
1. Gather, publicize and disseminate good practices in cooperation in youth and education departments, which will make youth work in schools and educational institutions more common.
2. Model and develop forms and aspects of youth work in schools and educational institutions, so that youth work is high-quality and evaluation-based.
3. Strengthen bilingualism of centres of expertise activities by coordinating the Swedish-language activities of all six centres of expertise.
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Implementers of Nuoska (2020-2023)
A consortium was coordinated and administered by the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences’s youth research and development center Juvenia, which also developed models for secondary schools.
The consortium consisted nationwide of nine executors which were:
- Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (Ehkäisevä päihdetyö Ehyt ry)Developing models for multidisciplinary cooperation, as well as methodological training
- Health-promoting voluntary organization and an expert institution (Folkhälsan förbund rf)Maintaining network and communication of activities in Swedish-speaking learning institutions
- Finland-Swedish Information and Cultural Centre (Förening Luckan rf)
Strengthening cooperation in Swedish environments and develop action models for bullying prevention - Association of Mental Health Finland (Mieli Suomen Mielenterveys ry)
Providing concrete tools and training to strengthen mental health skills - Finnish Youth Research Society (Nuorisotutkimusseura)
Evaluating the effectiveness and creating of indicators and quality criteria - Development centre Opinkirjo (Kehittämiskeskus Opinkirjo)
Developing methods and operating models that improve well-being - Municipal Youth Work Centre of expertice (Kunnallisen nuorisotyön osaamiskeskus Kanuuna)
Mapping and developing youth work based on the curriculum and developing cooperation between networks and the local community - City of Vantaa (Vantaan kaupunki)
Carrying out trainings, events and peer meetings and developing the functionality of professional dialogue - Åbo Akademi University (Åbo Akademi)
Researching phenomenom at the perspective of Swedish actors