Center of expertice of Youth work at schools and educational institutions
During 2024-2026 Nuoska is one of three centers funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The centers forms an entirety, which supports the implementation of the national youth work and policy program. Centres developed and promoted the competence, expertise and information at the field of youth work in accordance with the Youth Act.
Nuoska developes youth work at schools and educational institutes.
Additional material

Organisations involved
A consortium is coordinated and administered by the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences’s youth research and development center Juvenia.
Developement centre Opinkirjo (web page: www.opinkrjo.fi)
Contact details
044 704 7869
040 541 8661
Project name:
Nuoska – Center of expertice of Youth work at schools and educational institutions
Project duration:
Lead partner:
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences’s youth research and development center Juvenia
Partial partners:
Development centre Opinkirjo (Kehittämiskeskus Opinkirjo)
Financier and main source of funding:
Ministry of Education and Culture
Total budget:
€ 948 000