Oil and Chemical Spill Response
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) has widely recognized competence in marine pollution response management due to a long-standing research and development activities.
With over 20 years of experience in developing oil spill response management with Finnish authorities, Xamk has proven expertise in oil spill response contingency planning and improving response capability.
Xamk is also the only educational institute in Finland providing oil spill response training and education.
Xamk has special competency in oil spill response contingency planning and capacity building. We provide oil spill response research, testing and training services.
On this page you will find the specialist oil spill response services we offer and our development projects. It also contains the most relevant oil spill response manuals, research reports and articles. Our publications are also available for download from Theseus.
Expert Services

Oil Spill Response Test Basin
Oil Spill Response Test Basin

Oil Spill Response Simulator Training
Oil Spill Response Simulator Training

MARISEC – New technologies supporting environmental damage response on Baltic Sea coasts

Data for Safer Oil Spill Response

Flood Debris – Collecting Floodwater-borne Waste with Oil Spill Response Equipment

Response Demonstration Areas for Spills of Renewable and Bio-based Liquids

Oil Spill Response Research, Testing and Training Facility

SÖKÖSuomenlahti – The Gulf of Finland Oil Spill Response Management Model

SÖKÖSaimaa – Oil Spill Response Management Model for Saimaa Inland Waters

SIMREC – Simulators for improving Cross-Border Oil Spill Response in Extreme Conditions

SCAROIL Simulator Training for Cargo handling and Oil recovery ENG

SCAROIL Simulators investment project

WinterSOKO – Shoreline Cold Weather Oil Spill Response

HealthySOKO – Action plan to ensure occupational safety and health of people involved in oil spill oil recovery operations
Our latest publications

Future Challenges in Spill Response Preparedness: How the Green Transition Is Changing Marine Pollution Risks
Halonen, J. 2024. Future Challenges in Spill Response Preparedness: How the Green Transition Is Changing Marine Pollution Risks. In: Xamk Beyond. Futures. Kujanpää, I.; Suojärvi, E.-M. & Weaver, C. (eds.) Xamk Tutkii 30, 50–67.

Responding to Spills of Marine Distillate Fuels
Halonen, J. 2023. Responding to Spills of Marine Distillate Fuels. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 17, No. 3, 675–683.
Future Challenges in Spill Response Preparedness: How the Green Transition Is Changing Marine Pollution Risks (2024)
Responding to Spills of Marine Distillate Fuels (2023)
Tools for Oil Spill Response Waste Management and Logistic Support – Field Exercises Testing the RFID Technology and QR Codes (2021)
Efficiency of Maritime Simulator Training in Oil Spill Response Competence Development (2019)
Improving Preparedness for Shipborne Oil Pollution – Highlights of Tabletop Exercises at Saimaa Inland Waters (2019)
Operational Profile of RPA Systems
in Nearshore Oil Spill Response (2018)
New Learning Methods for Marine Oil Spill Response Training (2017)
Scenario-based Oil Spill Response Model for Saimaa Inland Waters. (2017)
SOKO Project: Developing Detailed Oil Combating Plan for Managing On-Shore Clean-Up Procedures In Finland (2008)

Xamk READ online magazine

Raw Data on Crude Oil

SÖKÖ Manual on the ABCs of Marine Oil Spill Response

A Hair-Raising Novelty for Onshore Oil Recovery?

New Oil Spill Response Testing and Training Facility Established in Kotka
More publications available in Finnish language
See also

Maritime Safety and Incident Management
Maritime Safety and Incident Management

Logistics and Seafaring RDI
Logistics and Seafaring RDI

Kotka Maritime Research Centre
Kotka Maritime Research Centre