Finland’s largest forest management association values the regular training of its personnel
In cooperation with Xamk and the Ely center, extensive and multi-disciplinary TäsmäKoulutus was implemented. Xamk was a natural choice as a partner due to previous good experiences.
Metsänhoitoyhdistys Etelä-Savo is Finland’s largest forest management association. MHY Etelä-Savo covers almost all of Etelä-Savo and also the Joutsa area. The association operates in a total of 12 locations with 19 offices. The association has more than 11,000 members. MHY Etelä-Savo offers forest owners comprehensive services related to timber trade, forest management and ownership arrangements for forest farms.
By learning new things, motivation is maintained
Petri Pajunen is the director of MHY Etelä-Savo. The organization has 80 employees, of which 42 are forest experts. Pajunen says that in expert work it is important to take care of regularly updating skills and acquiring up-to-date information. MHY Etelä-Savo constantly invests in the training of the entire organization.
– We want to support the employee’s education and, if possible, encourage them to complete, for example, a higher vocational degree. On the other hand, studies can also be entities that supplement current knowledge, such as media knowledge or image processing skills. The most important thing is that by learning new things, work motivation is also maintained.

Xamk is a versatile partner for MHY
MHY Etelä-Savo and Xamk have been cooperating for several years. Every year, MHY offers, among other things, an internship to several forestry engineering students. When MHY started thinking about multi-year personnel training, Xamk was a natural partner based on previous good experiences. According to Pajunen, Xamki’s Mikkeli campus is located in a central location for MHY Etelä-Savo, and functional facilities have been arranged for use for training.
– In the discussions with Xamk, various training options and funding opportunities were comprehensively brought up. TäsmäKoulutus was chosen as the training, says Pajunen. TäsmäKoulutus offers professional training tailored to the needs of the company and its personnel and aims to develop professional skills for future tasks. TäsmäKoulutus is financed by both the employer and the labor and economic administration together.