RDI projects
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Sustainable wellbeing
Sufficiency solutions for a resilient, green, and just Finland (SISU)
SISU seeks to harness the untapped potential of sufficiency solutions. The main…
Digital economy
The Big Green
In The Big Green project, we are bringing environmentally-engaged artists under one…
Digital economy
Creative Digital Growth BOOSTER
The Creative Digital Growth Booster (CDG Booster) project exists to bridge the…
Logistics and seafaring
Gateway to Global Markets
The project helps Finnish and Estonian SMEs in the cosmetics and food…
Forest environment and energy
Sustainable packaging solutions of the bio-circular economy
The EU has set ambitious circular economy targets for industrial packaging. The…
The goal of the project is to build a national network for…
Digital economy
Co-vision fosters contemporary storytelling about the endangered local natural heritage.
Digital economy
Common steps towards inclusion and partnership
We create new ways of working for people's social participation, increasing their…
Forest environment and energy
ReseptiRobotti – More Efficient Product Development with the Help of Published Information
A prototype of a digital tool will be developed to enhance the…
Digital economy
Varustamo – supporting entrepreneurs through business transfer
Creating a service model for business transfer to Kymenlaakso.
Sustainable wellbeing
Tools for European youth workers to implement peace education. OBJECTIVES In this…
Forest environment and energy
HIFO – Hybrid intermediate floor optimization for wood construction
The aim of the project is to improve the design, cost and…
Sustainable wellbeing
Helper – Sustainable employment paths for immigrants
The aim of the project is to improve immigrants inclusion, access to…
Digital economy
Sales Frenzy
The aim of the Sales Frenzy project is to strengthen the sales…
Digital economy
Learning environments for climate-responsible outdoor structures – Ilmastovastuullisen ympäristörakentamisen osaamismiljööt
The aim of the Learning environments for climate-responsible outdoor structures -project is…
Logistics and seafaring
AkKuLOG – Sustainable transportation logistics in the battery industry
Sustainable transportation logistics and commuting in the battery industry.
Geoenergy Leap
Promotes the utillization of geoenergy in the providences.
Logistics and seafaring
RuokoLog – Logistics and availability of lake reed
The RuokoLog project studies the logistic chains of lake reed and how…
Forest environment and energy
Geoenergy Leap – Investment
In the project a medium-deep geoenergy well will be invested in Kymenlaakso.
ENG. KIITO – Innovaatioita, Osaamista ja Työllistymistä Kymenlaaksoon
The KIITO project strengthens working life skills and supports employment and education…
Forest environment and energy
GENESIS – Green energy system and new sector integration value chains
In GENESIS- project the main goal is to develop sustainable future for…
Forest environment and energy
Stones for circulation – Reuse reduces the carbon footprint of concrete
The low-carbon circular economy model, from a test laboratory to an industrial…
KEKE – Boosting sustainable food sector in Kymenlaakso
“KEKE – Boosting Sustainable Food Sector in Kymenlaakso” is an ambitious development…
Forest environment and energy
Stones for circulation, investments – Reuse reduces the carbon footprint of concrete
Increasing RDI activities by investing in a low-carbon circular economy model.
Please note
We are moving our project pages to the revised xamk.fi webpages. For completed projects, the work will continue during the summer. If you need more information about a project that has already been completed and you cannot find it through the project search, please contact kirjaamo@xamk.fi for more information.