Entrepreneurship and added value
TKI:n vaikuttavuuden kolme kulmakiveä muodostavat vision strategiasta: vuonna 2030 Xamk on uudistanut Kaakkois-Suomen elinvoimaisuuden.
Kuvaamalla tavoiteltavaa tulevaisuutta visio kertoo Xamkin TKI-toiminnan olemassaolon syytä – siitä, minkälaista yhteiskuntaa Xamk tavoittelee.
Vaikuttavalla, kansainvälisellä ja digitaalisella liiketoiminnalla luomme arvoa ja toimintamalleja yritystoimintaan.
- The environment and sustainability
- People and user-driven approaches
- Entrepreneurship and added value
Sensors, data management, and machine learning systems lay the foundation for higher value-added services. Xamk’s RDI activities are used to create scalable business and support the digital competence of companies in the region.
International success stories have emerged in South-Eastern Finland. Xamk’s RDI activities play an important role in supporting the competence of SMEs in particular.
Xamk’s RDI activities have supported research-based entrepreneurship (so-called spinoffs) and to systematize business accelerator activities. In addition, Xamk participates in accelerator networks in Finland and internationally.
As a result of this, the companies that solve societal challenges are emerged in South-Eastern Finland. Alongside social entrepreneurship, platform economy models and fair micro-entrepreneurship are also mainstreaming. Large companies benefit from the cooperation with startups, and Xamk has a significant role in managing the ecosystems.
Xamk’s RDI activities have strong international networks. Through these networks, local companies are able to internationalize, and the knowledge produced in Xamk has impact internationally.
For example, solutions for global nodes have been created for logistics, transport, and security challenges in Xamk. In South-Eastern Finland, international business, research and solutions to the challenges of the 2030s are created.
Projects focusing on Entrepreneurship and added value

Time for (S)heroes in fashion, costume design, and art installations for sustainable future, zero waste, digital processes, and co-design

The Big Green