Etukeno is searching for future competence needs and promotes employment to Kymenlaakso's sectors with identified labour.

The ETUKENO project aims to employ participants to Kymenlaakso’s sectors and firms with identified labour shortages or that they start new business in these sectors as well as to develop new innovative ways for rapid employment. Project activities utilize previously experimented and created ways of gathering foresight data regarding training and competence development needs in the region. The project integrates the foresight-driven perspective into actions leading to employment, and to be used by firms, education institutions, job seekers and their rapid employment. The project harmonizes sector specific data and its collection between partners.

Information about the project:

Project Manager
Irina Kujanpää
tel. 050 447 1506


ETUKENO - Rapid employment to industry sectors facing labour shortages in Kymenlaakso

1 October 2020 – 31 December 2022

Project partners

Lead partner: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

Partners: Etelä-Kymenlaakson ammattiopisto EKAMI, Kouvolan seudun ammattiopisto KSAO, Kouvolan Aikuiskoulutussäätiö TAITAJA

Focus areas: Digital economy
Xamk Research Units: Creative Industries


Total budget: € 457 757

XAMK part of the total budget: € 184 350

Financiers and main source of funding: Hämeen ELY-keskus, Euroopan sosiaalirahasto (ESR)