The project develops oil spill response simulator training for regional fire and rescue services and other response authorities.

The oil spill training programme aims to utilize new educational methods; e-learning and simulator based training. In addition to fully exploiting the existing navigational bridge simulators, an entirely new oil recovery simulator has been developed. This simulator is designed to model the oil recovery process; recovery method, rate and volume.

The new simulator enables the creation of a comprehensive training programme covering training tasks from a distress call to the completion of an oil spill response operation. Integration of a navigational bridge simulator and the new oil recovery simulator creates a unique learning environment in which the marine oil spill response operations can be demonstrated and new response methods tested.

The structure of the training programme, as well as the training objectives, are based on competence and education surveys (see publications below). The training programme has been piloted twice during the project. The shifts in competence levels of the participants were evaluated in order to demonstrate the actual efficiency of the training. The results convinced that the simulator training is a viable tool to improve the operational capability of the responders.

Project is funded by European Social Fund ESF, European Regional Development Fund ERDF, Finnish Maritime Foundation, Palosuojelun Edistämissäätiö and William & Ester Otsakorpi Foundation.


More information

Emmi Rantavuo, +358 44 702 8775

Justiina Halonen, +358 44 702 8514

Antti Lanki, +358 44 702 8516


SCAROIL Simulator Training for Cargo handling and Oil recovery

1 January 2016 – 31 May 2018

Project partners

Lead partner: Etelä-Kymenlaakson ammattiopisto, Ekami

Partners: Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Xamk

Other partners: Merenkulun Säätiö, Palosuojelun Edistämissäätiö, William ja Ester Otsakorven säätiö


Total budget: € 246 682

XAMK part of the total budget: € 140 846

Financiers and main source of funding: Hämeen ELY-keskus, Euroopan sosiaalirahasto (ESR)