Twin Campus
Building a model of collaboration between universities and businesses, supporting student entrepreneurship, startups and SME cooperation.
This project has ended on May 31, 2022. You can read about the results of the project on this page.
TWIN CAMPUS project focuses on expanding the competitiveness of cooperating regions, by creating suitable conditions for the development of technology and knowledge-based companies, in cooperation with local universities and businesses. Project activities will form ways to encourage their modernization and internationalization as well as the commercialization of university-based technologies.
The results are turned into university-based pilot services for the companies and to create a strategy for the talent attraction to connect companies’ needs and individuals in the cooperating regions.
Work Packages of the project:
WP1. Administration and Dissemination
WP2. Benchmarking and Strategy
WP3. Business to University collaboration
WP4. Technological intervention to SMEs
WP5. Networking and Talents attraction
Xamk’s role in the project
Xamk is the responsible partner for WP2 and the main activities are:
- benchmarking of the relevant international experiences on Green Campus and Sustainable Solutions and networks
- development the strategic papers and road-maps for university-industry cooperation
- organizing the networking events involving key stakeholders, including local authorities and industrial partners, and SME
Xamk participates actively also in the other Work Packages:
In WP3, Xamk opens up its new Kotka campus planning and development to cross-border university-business cooperation in order to allow fruitful innovation services experiments which form the basis of future Twin Campus services for business partners.
In WP4, Xamk harnesses its strategic spearheads, relevant knowledge bases, and key RDI projects for piloting new services for SME development, in particular, modernization and internationalization of SMEs.
In WP5, Xamk’s extensive domestic and international networks are used as forums and channels of talent attraction.
Korkeakoulu- ja tiedeyhteistyö venäläisten ja valkovenäläisten kumppaniorganisaatioiden kanssa on jäädytetty 4.3.2022 alkaen opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön suosituksen mukaisesti. Meneillään olevia tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeita jatketaan ilman venäläisiä ja valkovenäläisiä kumppaneita, ja toimintaa suunnataan tarvittaessa uudelleen.
Higher education and research cooperation with Russia has been freezed since March 4th 2002, according to the recommendation by Ministry of Education and Culture. Ongoing RDI projects can continue without partners from Russia or Belarus.
The Twin Campus cooperation model is created together with the partners of the
Twin Campus project. The model improves cooperation between cross-border
partner organizations and establishes cooperation practices.
You can check Twin Campus Cooperation Model here:

News and posts

Technology Broker School
Technology Broker School
Twin Campus project organized Technology Broker School for ITMO and Xamk Universities students and staff. Theme of this program was Technology transfer. Students really liked this program!

Biotechnology and Circular Economy webinar
Biotechnology and Circular Economy webinar
Biotechnology and circular Economy webinar was success! We had over 160 student participants in ITMO and Xamk universities. Webinar recording is available for everyone until 16th of March.

Biotechnology and Circular Economy webinar
Biotechnology and Circular Economy webinar
Join our Biotechnology and Circular Economy webinar!
15.2.2022 at 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm (Fi time) in Zoom
Expert speakers
Anne Raudaskoski
The circular economy is the key to a sustainable future!
Elina Selin
Implementation of Environmental Management System – Possibilities to Gain Competitive Advantage for Internationalization
Olga Sergienko
Sustainability in project development
Ivan Timahovich
ITMO student club Sustainable development

Good Practices in Universities: Business Cooperation, Entrepreneurial Support Services and Sustainable Development
Good Practices in Universities: Business Cooperation, Entrepreneurial Support Services and Sustainable Development
Which models of business cooperation, entrepreneurial support services and sustainable development operate in universities? To answer this question and investigate further, we benchmarched four Finnish universities: Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, University of Helsinki, LUT University and South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk). This article series explores the good practices and operations models we discovered during the benchmarking process.

Selvitys yritysyhteistyön, yrittäjyyden tukipalveluiden ja kestävän kehityksen hyvistä käytänteistä korkeakouluissa
Selvitys yritysyhteistyön, yrittäjyyden tukipalveluiden ja kestävän kehityksen hyvistä käytänteistä korkeakouluissa
Mitkä yritysyhteistyön, yrittäjyyden tukipalveluiden ja kestävän kehityksen toimintamallit toimivat korkeakouluissa? Näitä asioita pyrimme selvittämään, kun benchmarkkasimme syksyllä 2020 kolme suomalaista korkeakoulua – Haaga-Helia-ammattikorkea koulun, Helsingin yliopiston ja LUT-yliopiston – sekä tarkastelimme tarkemmin Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun, Xamkin, toimia. Tässä artikkelikokonaisuudessa avaamme benchmarkkauksissa nousseita hyviä käytänteitä ja toimintamalleja.

Yhteistyö korkeakoulujen ja yritysten välillä
Yhteistyö korkeakoulujen ja yritysten välillä
The cooperation between higher education institutes and business’
The third article from the article series of Twin Campus benchmarking results. This article is about university-business cooperation.

Yrittäjyyden tukeminen korkeakouluissa
Yrittäjyyden tukeminen korkeakouluissa
Supporting entrepreneurship in higher education institutes
The second article from the article series of Twin Campus benchmarking results. This article is about entrepreneurship support services in benchmarked higher education institutes.

Green Future Hack 2.-4.2.2021
Green Future Hack 2.-4.2.2021
Twin Campus has its own challenge in the hackathon:
How can Xamk and St. Petersburg Technical University Itmo’s international cooperation be made more sustainable and environmentally friendly?

Kestävä kehitys mukana korkeakoulujen strategiassa
Kestävä kehitys mukana korkeakoulujen strategiassa
Sustainable development is part of the strategy in institutes of higher education
The article highlights the best practices from the benchmarking in the area of sustainable development. This article is the first one in the article series of Twin Campus benchmarking results.

Twin campus – In times like these… Where to twin ourselves out?
Twin campus – In times like these… Where to twin ourselves out?
In times like these… We have in the digital area a hashtag for a virus #COVID-19

Twin campus – A new way of stimulating modernization and internationalization
Twin campus – A new way of stimulating modernization and internationalization
Are we entering the world of -zation?
Twin Campus

Minna Nieminen
Project Manager
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
+358 447028311