Welcome to Baltic Explorers Project – Tervetuloa Baltic Explorers Hanken

Baltic Explorers -hanke tukee peliyrityksiä!

Pelien vienti uusille markkinoille on haastavaa ja tarvitsee usein uutta osaamista, kontakteja sekä sopivan alustan, mikä mahdollistaa myynnin ja uusien sopimusten tekemisen. Baltic Explorers tukee osallistuvien maiden – Suomen, Ruotsin, Viron ja Latvian – peliyritysten tuotteiden lokalisointia, kansainvälistymistä, liiketoiminnan kehittämistä ja myyntimatkoja uusille markkinoille Aasiaan ja Pohjois-Amerikkaan.

Baltic Explorers Game Hub on Keski-Itämeren alueen organisaatioiden verkosto, jonka yhteinen tavoite on tukea peliteollisuuden tiimejä menestykseen Kaakkois-Aasiassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Vuosina 2020-2022 verkosto järjestää pelialan tapaamisia, valmistelee ja suorittaa kiihdytysohjelmia ja tarjoaa mentorointitukea vahvan pelikehittäjäklusterin rakentamiseen. Menestyksen avain on tarjota mentorointi-, tuki- ja neuvontapalveluja yrityksille testauksen, uusien markkinoiden lanseerausten ja pelien hienosäätöä varten sijoittajien / kustantajien valmiudelle Aasian tai USA: n suurimmissa B2B-tapahtumissa.

Baltic Explorers – Exploring new markets for the central baltic game industry

Baltic Explorers boost the game industry to explore possibilities in the global markets and succeed in catching a deal.

Baltic Explorers boost the Central Baltic gaming industry to explore possibilities and allow gamers to catch a global market. We are offering specially designed programs for all gaming companies, no matter what level of development they are at the moment, in four different countries, at the same time. Baltic Explorers team’s drive is to support those teams and provide them with the necessary tools, network and mentorship to succeed and catch the promised deal in the US market or the Asian market.
Baltic Explorers mentor network is spread among four different Baltic Sea Region countries; this allows gamers to find the right mentor in their country of origin and beyond. With all these success factors, there is no other option necessary to join one of our offered programs by only joining our casual “Meetups” to catch up with the Baltic gaming industry cluster.

Baltic Explorers Game Hub is a network of organizations from the Central Baltic Region that support game industry teams for success in South-East Asia and North America. From 2020 – 2022 the web will organize game industry meetups, prepare and run accelerator programs and provide mentoring support for building a solid game developer cluster. The key to success is providing mentoring, support, and advisory services for the companies to help with testing, soft launches on new markets, and fine-tuning the games for investor/publisher readiness at the most significant B2B events in Asia or the USA.




Sabine Suorsa
Project Manager
Tel. +358 44 702 8901

Teemu Saarelainen
Project Expert
Tel. +358 44 702 8555

Jani Ruotsalainen

Project Expert
Tel. +358 50 534 1105


Accelerator Program - BE BIG 2021

BE BIG is a new-version of any Accelerator program. Want an opportunity of a lifetime? JOIN our first BATCH of BE BIG 2021. If you have what it takes – you will get the tickets to the US and Asian market, WHY? You will also travel and join events such as GDC or G-Star, you also will boost your games to new markets. You can expect the full support and all necessary tools provided by the Baltic Explorers project.
BE BIG is a newly designed program for gamers of all levels; we are keen on fulfilling our participating gaming companies’ needs. With this program, the growth of their gaming company will have a better success rate, and the possibility of catching a deal on the market is higher. By participating in our BE BIG program, Your team will get:

business development support
market research support
pitch deck development support
pitching support
game development support
a wide range of international mentors
finding additional team members (if needed and wished) support
tickets to larger events in the US and Asian markets

You need many more extras for your game to be the next unicorn on the market.

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Accelerator Meet-Ups

Meet-ups are Baltic Explorers catch-up in the Central Baltic Gaming Industry.
Those events are designed to attract gaming companies which are keen to join our program, and want to explore their network and possibilities. Short 1-day event with interesting and special topics. Meet-ups are organized on a regular basis in each project partner country - Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. Our clients can purpose topics of their needs and we will provide a suitable Key-note, workshop sessions or special mentoring boost.

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Mentoring PROGRAM

Baltic Explorers have mentorship possibilities in FIVE areas (Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia). By joining the Baltic Explorers path, you will create your own success story, with the Baltic Explorers professional mentors.
By joining the Baltic Explorers Game cluster, you will receive access to a mentorship program tailored for your game company. The experts will support you throughout your journey with advice, guidance and new game development progress. As a result, your gaming company will get enough boost in all essential questions related to game business and game development questions to be a competitive fit for any market, particularly for the US market and the Asian market.
If, you need support or exceptional mentorship, please contact our project specialist in your country of origin.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor in our program - please GET IN TOUCH with us

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Baltic Explorers – WELCOME BACK – into an exciting autumn 2021

The summer was magic – and now the world is open for new ventures Summer in Finland 2021 was absolutely magic, with wonderful weather, sunshine, and happiness. Still, we have been a bit disappointed not to join a trip to San Fransico to visit the world’s famous Game Development Conference (GDC), but there is another...

Baltic Explorers – Heading toward a exciting Autumn 2021

Recap on spring term 2021 – What happened and what will happen next? There is a strong belief that the pandemic is under a certain control, and the possibilities to meet and enjoy life in a different way will come once again. However, we need to be realistic; the old normal will not return; a...

Baltic Explorers – BE BIG Kick-off and beyond

The first step in the right direction has been done Baltic Explorers project started last year on April 1st, 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, with an open-end date. In the beginning, we all thought this is a short-time experience. We need to go through, and soonish we will be ready to travel and...

Boosting Games to New Markets – and beyond

Baltic Explorers – Exploring new markets for Central Baltic Game Industry Getting games out to new markets can be challenging and oftentimes requires novel skills, contacts and a suitable platform to promote sales and to make new deals. Baltic Explorers supports participating countries, such as Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia – game companies to localize...


Baltic Explorers

01.04.2020 – 31.12.2022


Hallinnoija: Xamk

Osatoteuttajat: LAB, Dataspelsbranschen, Latvian Technological Center, Tartu Science Park


Kokonaisbudjetti: 1 915 355,39 €

Xamkin osuus kokonaisbudjetista: 486 239,5 €

Rahoittaja ja päärahoituslähde: Central Baltic - Interreg