Startup BOOM Kouvola


LinkedIn Clinic, great speakers, entrepreneurship and lots more!
LinkedIn -klinikkaa, innostavia puheenvuoroja, yrittäjyyttä ja muuta! Lisätietoja tulossa pian!

Event language FI & EN.

KoUVOLA 11.3.

KOUVOLAN KAMPUS, 13:00 – 16:00



Tervetuloa Start Up Boomiin! Welcome to Start Up Boom! (Smoothies available)

Paja projectspace 006 (FI/EN)


13:10 – 13:40

Key note speaker: Designtoimisto Globennin perustaja Inca Paatelan yrittäjyystarina (slides in EN, speech in FI)


13:45 – 14:30

Panel discussion: Tuomas Kukkonen, Inca Paatela, Matti Kajava & Janne Mankki (mainly FI)

Entrepreneurship, starting a business as a student, investing


Networking coffee 14:30 – 15:00 PajaGalleria


15:00 – 16:00

Linked-in workshop, Thomas Halloran (FI/EN)


Snacks and LEGO workshop at Paja Galleria all afternoon!

Mini-fair is open all the time with Patteri people & all projects.


Arranged together with entrepreneurial projects of Xamk – Xlab, Kymenlaakso Startup Ecosystem, Twin Campus, Yritysverstas and students of PatteriES!