Refresh and develop your sales Pitch in English –webinar March 12th


Itsevarmuutta myyntitilanteisiin, englanninkielinen myyntipuhe ytimekkääksi ja selkeäksi. Paul Fairchild on pidetty ja kokenut myyntivalmentaja ja halutessasi voit esittää kysymyksiä myös suomeksi tai vain keskittyä hänen konkreettisisiin vinkeihinsä.

Maksuton webinaari järjestetään perjantaina 12.3. kello 9.15-10.45 Teamsissa

Ilmoittaudu mukaan:

Refresh and develop your sales pitch in English! – Webinar March 12th

When you know your products and services it’s easy to get lost in details.

You want to focus on what’s really important and say it simply and clearly.

The webinar focuses on the following points:

  • Focus on your potential customer
  • Which products or services?
  • Features, benefits and USPs
  • The power of asking questions
  • What to focus on (less is more)
  • Finishing with a hook
  • Handling objections
  • Changing the pitch depending on the audience
  • Speaking in English versus your own language

The aim of this webinar is to give you the tools to explain what your company has to offer

in a nutshell and with confidence.

The presentation will be in English, but it is OK to ask questions in Finnish as well.

Who is the trainer?

Kouluttaja Paul Fairchild, PNP crossing borders OyPaul Fairchild, Training Coordinator, PNP crossing borders Oy

Paul Fairchild has been a business owner in PNP crossing borders Oy, salesman and sales coach in Finland for the last 18 years. Through training and sparring he has helped people in approx. 200 companies to feel more confident about international sales meetings, have the tools to do their work and develop and increase their international sales. Through his clients he has experience of selling to companies around the world.

Before Finland, Paul also lived and worked for short spells in the UK, France and Germany.

Paul has a passion for sales and it comes through in the enthusiasm he has in his training and seminars.


Niko Arola
Puh. 040 5380961

Lyhytkestoinen koulutus järjestetään osana Xamk Pienyrityskeskuksen toteuttamaa Etelä-Savon Vientiosaajat -hanketta, joka saa rahoitusta Euroopan sosiaalirahastosta Etelä-Savon ELY-keskuksen kautta. Kumppanina toimii myös Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy