*** Required previous degree: Bachelor's degree in business management or a similar Bachelor level degree.

Time: 26 January 2023 – 31 December 2023. The path starts on 26 January and students must be present on campus.
Place, University: South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk), Kouvola campus, Paraatikenttä 7, 45100 Kouvola
Extent: 30 ECTS credits 

Target group: All who are interested in these studies.The students need to be fluent in English and have basic computer and Internet skills. 

Required previous degree:
In order to enrol on this path you have to have a Bachelor's degree in business management or a similar Bachelor level degree. Attach the degree certificate to enrolment form.

Credited in degree: Master of Business Administration, International Business Management
Enrolment period: 1–7 December 2022, the enrolment is binding. The enrolment form will open 1 December at 9 am Finnish time (UTC+3)
Number of study places:5
Price: Semester fee EUR 175. You can read more about our payment policy here.

Note that you can enrol for Open UAS studies at the maximum of 50 ECTS credits per semester. One person’s enrolments exceeding 50 ECTS credits are deleted in the enrolment order. Paying attention to this is important when planning your studies.

Please notice,  that Xamk's degree students cannot enrol Open UAS courses.

Learning outcomes:
The goal of the path studies is to complete 30 credits of core competence included in the education in one academic year. By completing at least 30 ECTS credits, you have the right to apply a study place as a degree student.

The International Business Management (IBM) studies focus on the aspects of international business which are of vital importance for the international strategic management and growth of companies. We offer students the possibility to exchange studies with our numerous partner institutions.

Contents and methods:
The learning outcomes and requirements of open path studies correspond to those of programmes leading to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.  Before the beginning of your studies or soon after starting, you can make a personal study plan (PSP) together with your mentor teacher.

The contents of these studies are in accordance with Xamk University of Applied Sciences Master of Business Administration (International Business Management) degree programme and the language of instruction is English. The studies are carried out as part-time studies in the group of degree students. Studies use blended-learning methods including lectures, online studies, and project-based learning.

Core competence courses are the following:

  • Business process development
  • Sustainable growth
  • Marketing management
  • Cross-border management
  • Supply chain management and smart logistics
  • Innovation management in business
  • Customer intelligence
  • Strategic business game

Core competence courses aim to provide you with knowledge and skills to utilize and integrate different kind of business information to plan, implement and develop managerial interventions for the organization. The theoretical models and methods of the international business management are essential part of the core competences. One course covers 5 ECTS credits.

Complementary competence studies enable you to specialize and deepen your studies according to your own interests and needs. You can include 20 ECTS credits of free choice Master School studies into your diploma. The studies are categorized under the following themes:

  • Research and development
  • Management, leadership and entrepreneurship
  • International working environments
  • Digital services, information and networks

There are on average three contact days per month, normally held during weekdays, typically Thursdays and Fridays at 9:00–16:15. Most of the studies will be completed online individually or in small teams. Your progress is supported by face-to-face and online study counseling.

Information regarding studies: 
Degree Programme Coordinator Mrs Nina Hartikainen, nina.hartikainen@xamk.fi

Information on degree studies in International Business Management: 
Master of Business Administration, International business management – Xamk

Link to the curriculum: 
International business management, master studies | Study Guide, XAMK

BYOD – Bring your own device
The BYOD policy demands students to use their own laptops. Read more here.

Enrolment and cancellation:
Enrolment on path studies is binding. Open study path students are taken in enrolment order. If you enroll on several paths, the primary path is the one you enrolled on first.

If you cannot participate in the path you have already enrolled on, please let us know as soon as possible by email openstudies@xamk.fi. Enrolment can be canceled free of charge till 13th of December 2022. 

Residence permit
Students who live outside the EU and the EEA need a residence permit to study in Finland. However, the residence permit is not issued on the basis of studies at the Open University of Applied Sciences. More info here.

Study grants
Studying at the Open UAS does not entitle you to a study grant or other student benefits or discounts. In case you intend to study unemployed, please contact your local employment office (TE-toimisto) before you begin your studies. If your employer has granted you at least two months of uninterrupted study leave, you can apply for a full adult education allowance from Employment Fund.

Additional information 
In case the studies begin in one of our campuses, you should bring the following documents with you on the first day of studies: passport/residence permit or official Finnish ID.

From path to degree
You can apply in joint application period forMaster of Business Administration degree programme during your open path studies, if you qualify the admission criteria. More information here.

It is also possible to apply for a degree student without a formal qualification at separate admission organized by Xamk. This is possible after you have completed 30 credits at Xamk. More information here. The credits you have completed will be recognized as a part of your degree. Please notice, that if you are admitted as a degree student, the tuition fee for students outside of the EU/EEA is: Bachelor’s degrees 9 700 EUR / academic year and Master’s degrees 11 500 EUR / academic year.  More information on tuition fees here.

Additional information about the enrolment
The office of Xamk Pulse Open University of Applied Sciences, email openstudies@xamk.fi.

OUAS reserves the right to make changes.


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