Time: 4 March – 3 May 2024
Place: Online studies
Extent: 5 ECTS credits
Number of study places: 10
Target group: Everyone interested in the topic
Lecturer: Mikhail Nemilentsev, email: mikhail.nemilentsev@xamk.fi

Credited in degree at Xamk: All Master level degrees at Xamk
Enrolment by: 19 February 2024
Price: EUR 12 / credit or semester fee EUR 175. You can read more about our payment policy here.

Please notice that his course is not free of charge!

Please note that enrolment for Xamk Pulse studies is binding, and it is not possible to cancel a student place free of charge. After receiving a student place, you will be charged a fee according to our price list. The fee will not be refunded even if you discontinue your studies.  However, if you will not be starting your studies, please let us know in good time so that we can remove you from the course. This way, there will not be a record of an incomplete course in your information in Peppi. Cancellation must be sent to openstudies@xamk.fi. 

Please, notice that the fee for one semester will not be refunded, if the combined fees for your chosen studies remain below EUR 175 or you cancel your studies.

Note that you can enrol for Open UAS studies at the maximum of 50 ECTS credits per semester. One person’s enrolments exceeding 50 ECTS credits are deleted in the enrolment order. Paying attention to this is important when planning your studies.

Please also notice that
Xamk degree students cannot enrol on Open UAS courses.

Learning outcomes:
You are able to apply leadership concepts to one's own leadership development and empower personnel
You are able to analyze and evaluate leadership development needs in an organization
You can develop the organizational culture and wellbeing in an organization

Contents and methods:
What are the key elements of self-leadership and how to apply those to one´s own leadership development?
How to analyze leadership behavior and improve leadership competencies?
What is organizational culture and how to develop it to improve well-being at work?

The course will include both individual and group tasks. The extent of group and individual assignments is spread evenly. Students are expected to work jointly on the group assignments. It is not possible to finish this course earlier than the set schedule, as each topic and task will have its own schedule. It is also impossible to finish this course by only fulfilling course assignment individually – i.e. without participation in a group work. By only completing all course tasks, a student can complete the course.

Students will fulfill certain RDI tasks aimed at developing their (or selected) organizations. RDI examples and cases will be studied.

The course is based on the international leadership framework, related material and RDI examples.

The course does not contain any exams, but it will include a number of scheduled tasks. In other words, it means that all course tasks are to be fulfilled by a certain deadline. Tasks returned after the deadline can be downgraded or not accepted.
The deadlines of each assignment and studied topic will be indicated in the beginning of the course in the course's Learn page.

The course content and all related information will be published in Learn once the course starts.

Three online meetings will be organized during the course: on 15.03.2024 at 14.30-16.00; on 12.04.2024 at 14.30-16.00; and on 18.04.2024 at 14.30-16.00. We will have group interactive discussions as well as you will be helped with the course tasks and study projects in the online feedback & comment mode. Such meetings are not mandatory and may be recorded. However, it is genuinely advised to participate in our course online meetings as they serve primarily your student interests and needs, as well as ease completion of the course.

The course is 5 ECTS and it is to be completed in English. 1 ECTS means approximately 27 hours of student work related to studying the course material, fulfilling the course assignments and acting as a group member.

The course covers 5 ECTS credits, totalling 135 hours of student work. The number of hours is theoretical and varies according to student effort.

Study material:
The course page in Learn will include a number of course presentations as well as PDF or online articles and book extracts. In addition, it is recommended to get familiar with one or several below-mentioned publications.
Goleman, D. Leadership: The Power of Emotional intelligence.
Yukl: Leadership in organizations.
Day & Antonakis: The nature of leadership
Schein: Organizational culture and leadership (4th ed.)
House et al.: Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies

Please note that this course will include a number of tasks related to students' current or previous work and work-related assignments. So, the course material is important but it is also necessary to conduct a work-related analysis in several course assignments.

Assessment methods and criteria:
– to evaluate and manage independently operations involving individuals and teams.
– to be responsible for operations and develop them independently
– to evaluate different strategic approaches and justify their use in terms of management and development.
– work independently in the expert duties of their professional field or as entrepreneurs.

The course will be assessed on a 1-5 scale, where 1 is ”fair” and the lowest acceptable grade and 5 is ”excellent” and the highest grade. Each task will be assessed individually and as the certain percentage of the final grade.

Assessment scale: 1-5

The Transcript of records will be delivered automatically by email in PDF form. You can read more about the the Transcript of records on: Information on Open UAS, Xamk Pulse studies.

This course is based on the curricula of Xamk's degree programmes and the Finnish credits are fully compatible with the ECTS.

Additional information on enrolment:
Xamk Pulse, openstudies@xamk.fi.

Before the course starts, you'll receive a course invitation by email.

Please note that there can be changes in the course details in terms of the timetable and teachers, for example.

Logo of Finnish Education Evaluation Centre

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).

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