Autoteollisuuden ja moottoriurheilun ekosysteemi
Kymenlaakso ja Pietarin alue ovat priorisoineet koulutuksen kehittämisen ja innovaatiotoiminnan lisäämisen tärkeäksi alueidensa menestystekijäksi.
Hanke on päättynyt.
Hankkeen venäjänkieliset sivut
Pietarin alueella toimii useita tunnettuja autoteollisuuden yrityksiä, mm. Nissan, Ford, Nokian Renkaat sekä näiden yritysten kumppaneita. Kouvolan seudulla on vahvuutena moottoriurheilun osaaminen, kuten kilpa-autojen asentajakoulutukset sekä uusimpana Kymiringin moottoriradan ympärille rakentuvat kumppanuudet. Hankkeen avulla luodaan yhteistyömalleja hankkeen venäläisten ja suomalaisten partnereiden sekä alueiden toimijoiden kesken autoalan ekosysteemissä.
Hankkeen tuloksena luodaan uusia ja kestäviä kansainvälisiä kumppanuuksia oppilaitosten, tutkimuslaitosten sekä autoalan organisaatioiden kesken. Hanke tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kehittää ja pilotoida opetusohjelmia sekä erilaisia yhteistyömuotoja. Hanke tarjoaa myös erinomaisen alustan suomalaisille ja venäläisille toimijoille vertailla ja arvottaa toimintoja sekä mahdollisuuden oppia toisilta hyväksi koettuja käytänteitä.
Hankkeen konkreettisina toimenpiteinä ovat:
- Autoalan tutkimukset, mm. autoalan tulevaisuus ja millaista ammattiosaamista tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan.
- Innovaatioleirit ja työpajat alan erityisosaajille, opiskelijoille ja oppilaitosten edustajille.
- Opiskelijoiden ja opetushenkilöstön vaihdot hankepartnereiden kesken.
- Monialaisten autoalan ekosysteemiin liittyvien opetusohjelmien kehittäminen ja testaus.
Race4Scale-hankkeen erityistavoitteena on luoda pitkäaikaisia kumppanuuksia autoalan venäläisten ja suomalaisten sekä kansainvälisten organisaatioiden kesken. Organisaatiot edustavat yrityksiä, oppilaitoksia, julkista sektoria ja yhdistyksiä, jotka toimivat autoteollisuuden ja moottoriurheilun parissa. Tavoitteena on:
- Kasvattaa yhteistyötä alan pk-yritysten ja tutkimuslaitosten kesken.
- Lisätä elinikäistä oppimista sekä taata yrityksille ammattitaitoista henkilöstöä.
- Luoda ylikansallisia ja yhteisiä opetusohjelmia.
Korkeakoulu- ja tiedeyhteistyö venäläisten ja valkovenäläisten kumppaniorganisaatioiden kanssa on jäädytetty 4.3.2022 alkaen opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön suosituksen mukaisesti. Meneillään olevia tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeita jatketaan ilman venäläisiä ja valkovenäläisiä kumppaneita, ja toimintaa suunnataan tarvittaessa uudelleen.
This report is the summary of the project including objectives, main activities and achievements of the project.
This study is a part of WP5 “Planning and piloting the joint cross-border multi-disciplinary curricula in the automotive and motorsport industry”. The context is European, as it is impossible to plan Finnish-Russian cross-broder curricula due to the current political and academic restrictions. It is done in accordance with the internal and external project instructions, in close cooperation with XAMK project team.
Tämä tutkielma on osa “WP2 Benchmark study, motorsport”-työpakettia, jonka on toteuttanut EduKo.
Historic-kilpailemisen pääperiaatteena on vanhojen autojen, sekä historian, että lajien kulttuuriperimän vaaliminen. Historic-autoilla voidaan harrastaa ja kilpailla monessa eri lajissa, joista yleisimmät ovat ralli, rata-ajo, rallisprint- sekä mäkikilpailut. Historic-ralliurheilu ei näyttäydy tavalliselle kuluttajalle yhtä hohdokkaana, kuin esimerkiksi WRC-tehdastiimien ajama rallin MM-sarja.
Tässä tutkielmassa keskitytään pääasiassa rallikilpailuun. Analysointiin ja vertailuun on käytetty Midnattssolsrallyt 2022 -kilpailun aikana tehtyjä havaintoja, joita on verrattu alan vastaavaan kotimaiseen tapahtumaan, Lahti Historic-ralli EM-kilpailuun.
This study is a part of WP2 “Benchmark study in the EU context”. It was made based on the WP2 “Benchmarking of the automotive and motorsport ecosystem in the European context” work trip in Barcelona, Spain in May 2022 together with our Race4Scale project team in XAMK – Mr. Jarmo Kujanpää, Mr. Jan Kettula, Mr. Mikhail Nemilentsev.
Professional training in the world of motorsport and automotives takes place at all levels of education in Spain. Barcelona and the Catalonia region as a whole were chosen as an example. The reasons were the proximity of sports car tracks, the international position of the city of Barcelona, the great influence of border states France, Italy and Portugal, and the accessibility of Barcelona International Airport for international events and competitions.
This report describes the Futures Labs from the project Race4Scale – Development of the Multidisciplinary Educational, Business and RDI Opportunities for the Finnish-Russian Automotive and Motorsport Industry Ecosystem. The primary aim of the work package was to create new cross-border curricula and the Futures Lab is one part of the whole curricula.
The designed and implemented Futures Labs offered a participatory channel for multidisciplinary interaction for tackling future uncertainties and identifying opportunities collaboratively across different fields of study and industries.
The Futures Lab was implemented twice online during the academic term 2021-2022. First during Autumn, and then during Spring.
This trip was related to the Race4Scale project workpackage (WP) number 2. The content of WP2 is defined in the project plan as a trip to a European destination and three separate studies on the delivery of the trip.
- WP2 Bench marking of the automotive and motors port ecosystem in the European context
- WP Benchmark study in the EU context.
Xamk’s project staff took part in this trip: Mikhail Nemilentsev, Jan Kettula, Jarmo Kujanpää. Xamk will conduct related research on the collaboration of educational institutions with the ecosystems of motor sport and the automotive industry. It will be completed in the fall of 2022. EduKo will make a similar trip to Sweden on July 4-9, 2022, with the topic of the automotive industry and motor sports, and two studies on these topics.
The following describes the program and key findings of the Barcelona WP2 trip in chronological order from 18 to 25 May 2022.
Automotive Innovation Camp (AIC) includes the planning and organizing a unique multidisciplinary innovation four-day experience for the student teacher-industry interaction in the cross-border context. Focus is on the weak signals and disruptive technologies in the cross-border automotive and motosport industry. Solving multidisciplinary challenges of the automotive and motorsport industry by the students from the secondary and tertiary partner educational institutions organized in the Finnish-Russian multicultural and multidisciplinary groups. Teachers of the educational partners and members of the Finnish-Russian business community work as coaches and facilitators of the event. Students are expected to generate product/service innovative solutions to respond to the current and future industry needs in the cross-border context.
This study is part of the work package 4 of the project
The aim of this pre-study is to explore the concept of simulation and how simulation-based learning can strengthen the development of the students’ skills and how it can be used in the ensemble of various pedagogical methods in vocational education. It can be said that vocational education is one of the environments that has been most disrupted and changed due to the extraordinary circumstances during the Covid19-pandemic. To the vocational education provider Adult Education Taitaja this challenge was the catalyst for change and strongly boosted the use of digital learning and VR-technology.
This study is part of the work package 2 of the project.
Arola Tuija
PhD., Development Director, Branch Manager, Adult Education Taitaja
Mobility is under transition. We can see much evidence for this in our everyday life and surroundings. Vehicle charging facilities are building up, electric scooter services are popping up in many cities, cycling is becoming a true alternative for many and is being promoted by cities building new and enhanced cycle paths.
In the larger view, we see that sustainability is driving much of the transition. Car manufacturers are facing strict regulation in several markets, which puts stress on achieve low levels of CO2 emissions. Electro-mobility is a relevant option for different types of vehicles and mobility needs, from small and short range (e.g., electric assist bicycles, urban distribution vans and trucks) to larger and longer range (buses, heavy goods vehicles). Reaching road transport with zero exhaust emissions requires a system-level change and renewal of the whole mobility ecosystem. As passenger cars are the dominant mode of transport in many countries, including Finland, the sustainability transition can be considered as a game changer for the industry.
The automotive industries in the Russian Federation and in Finland are experiencing some similar trends such as the demand for innovative solutions, further staff training and lifelong learning, as well as the growing share of local suppliers. Cross-border ecosystems in the European Union can act as a cooperation reference point, which will help to build effective communication and interaction between the members of the automotive cluster. The territorial proximity of Finland and Saint Petersburg, as well as well-developed logistical and information infrastructures of both regions are the precursors for a cross-border ecosystem aimed at best practice exchange and innovative product development. In creating such an ecosystem, regulated travel, labor mobility and other cooperation permeability will be of particular importance.
The purpose of the research is conducting multidisciplinary applied research of the current and future (development) needs and the future professions in the automotive industry to develop educational and innovation opportunities focused on three age categories: children, students and teachers, representatives of the “third” age. Also the identification of weak market signals for a technological breakthrough and expanding the range of opportunities for international cooperation in business and education.
Opinnäytetyön tavoite oli luoda moottoriradan käyttäjien asiakasprofiilit KymiRing Oy:lle. KymiRing on Iitissä sijaitseva uusi moottoriurheilu- ja koulutuskeskus, ainoa kansainvälisen tason moottorirata Suomessa. Tuotetuilla asiakasprofiileilla KymiRing Oy pystyy kohdentamaan markkinointiaan ja palveluitaan tiettyjä asiakasryhmiä varten sekä löytämään uusia, potentiaalisia asiakasryhmiä.
Tämän opinnäytetyön tutkimusprosessissa keskityttiin monipuolisen käyttäjätiedon keräämiseen ja sen analysoimiseen. Käytetyt tutkimusmenetelmät olivat laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Opinnäytetyöprosessissa hyödynnettiin muotoiluajattelua ja palvelumuotoilun menetelmiä. Muotoiluprosessissa on tärkeää löytää oikea ongelma ja määritellä sekä rajata se, jotta tutkimustieto pystytään analysoimaan tarkasti. Sen myötä voidaan innovoida ratkaisuja ja kehittää niitä, jotta päästään prosessin loppuvaiheeseen eli ongelman ratkaisemiseen kehitetyn ratkaisumallin avulla.
Tutkimusmenetelmiksi valikoituivat benchmarking eli vertailututkimus, havainnointi, puolistrukturoidut haastattelut ja asiantuntijahaastattelu. Kerättyä tutkimusaineistoa koostettiin matriisiin, jota analysoitiin samankaltaisuuskaavion avulla selkeämmäksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tämän perusteella suoritettiin kohdennetusti koostetuille asiakasryhmille tarkentavia haastatteluja lisätiedon kartuttamiseksi. Analysoidun tutkimusaineiston ja kohdennettujen asiakasryhmähaastatteluiden pohjalta koottiin materiaali, jonka perusteella aloitettiin asiakasprofiilien kartoittaminen.
Tämä opinnäytetyö on produktiivinen, ja sen lopputuotoksena syntyivät asiakasprofiilit ja niistä muodostetut visualisoinnit. Kerätyn tutkimusaineiston perusteella luotiin lopulta viisi erilaista ratakäyttäjäasiakasta. Muodostetuista ratakäyttäjien asiakasprofiileista visualisoitiin ratakäyttäjäkortit persoonatyökalun avulla. Ratakäyttäjäkortit tuovat tiivistetysti ilmi kaikkien ratakäyttäjäprofiilien ominaisuudet, tarpeet ja motiivit sekä palveluiden tarpeet. Tämä opinnäytetyö ja sen lopputuotoksena syntyneet asiakasprofiilit sekä ratakäyttäjäkortit luovutetaan KymiRing Oy:lle tueksi kehittämään heidän asiakasymmärrystään matkalla kohti tuottavaa liiketoimintaa.
Tapahtuma järjestetään kokonaan englanniksi.
Race4Scale Final Seminal Project will be held on 24th of November, 2022. The day is scheduled around Eastern European Summer Time (EEST).
Race4Scale Final Project Seminar will conclude the period of operation of the project.
Future Workshop, Futures Lab Logistics, Teacher Week and Innocamp that each are a part of project’s 4 work packages were executed during the project will be summarized during the seminar by keynote speakers as well as project personnel.
Tapahtuma järjestettiin kokonaan englanniksi.
Teacher Week was held online on Friday 2nd of September, 2022. The day was scheduled around Eastern European Summer Time (EEST).
The Teacher Week is about the good practices in education. During the day you were introduced to different cases in the participant organizations. The goal of the day was to become inspired and pick up the tips on the best practices in education.
The day started with EduKo’s presentations:
- A pedagogical perspective on the use of smart glasses
Tuija Arola, Development Director
- Dynabook smart glass technology
David Sims, Dynabook Europe and Petteri Aspelund, Pekava Oy
- Break
From this point onward Xamk introduced following presentations:
- Future Experience Lab Concept – What is it? How does it work?
Jani Kiviranta, Project Manager and Joel Eronen, Workshop Assistant
Introduction of Fuel Experience Lab (PDF, 106kB)
Future Experience Lab concept – What is it? How does it work? (PDF, 1,50mB)
- Break
- Business Degree Programs in English at Xamk
Mikhail Nemilentsev, Principal Lecturer
Business Degree Programs in English at Xamk (PDF, 844kB)
- Break
- Environmental Engineering Degree Program at Xamk
Arto Sormunen, Principal Lecturer
Tapahtuma järjestettiin kokonaan englanniksi.
Futures Lab Logistics is a series of online workshops that aimed to identify possible future changes and asses their potential impact on the logistics industry.
- Workshop I 30.3.2022 at 12:00–16:00
- Workshop II 13.4.2022 at 12:00–16:00
- Futures Fair 27.4.2022 at 12:00–16:00
Events for the students attending the related Xamk course:
- Introduction 16.3.2022 at 12:00–15:00
- Support session 6.4.2022 at 14:00-16:00
- Support session 20.4.2022 at 14:00-16:00
Tapahtuma järjestettiin kokonaan englanniksi.
In this series of workshops we aimed to identify opportunities for competence development with new and emerging technologies related to virtual, augmented and mixed reality environments, and cross-border collaboration between the Kymi Valley and the Saint Petersburg region.
Everyone is welcome to participate or to just come and listen! Especially students and entrepreneurs can benefit from the workshops. You don’t have to be an expert in the automotive industry to participate!
For more information and the timeline, see the event page: Race4Scale Future Workshop – XAMK
Keynote speakers in the events
More information about the keynote speakers on the event page.
Finnish Teacher Week järjestettiin verkossa tiistaina 20.4.2021, 9:30-15:30. Tule mukaan kuulemaan parhaita käytäntöjä opetuksessa kolmesta organisaatiosta; XAMK, Taitaja ja KSAO. Päivän tärkeimmät teemat ovat jatkuva oppiminen, monikulttuurisuus, työelämäsuuntautuneisuus sekä modernien teknologioiden käyttö opetuksessa. Kukin esittäjä kertoo case-esimerkein näitä teemoja sisältävästä opetuksestaan.
Linkkien takaa löydät lisätietoa hankkeen yhteistyökumppaneista.
Race4Scale – Autoteollisuuden ja moottoriurheilun ekosysteemi -hankkeen loppuseminaaria vietettiin 24. marraskuuta 2022 Kotkassa Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Xamkin kampuksella. Tapahtuma järjestettiin hybriditapahtumana, eli tapahtumaan pystyi osallistumaan paikan päällä tai vaihtoehtoisesti seminaaria pystyi seuraamaan myös etänä.
Loppuseminaarissa käsiteltiin hankkeen aikana tehtyjä tutkimuksia, jotka koostuivat tapahtumista ja työpajoista. Näiden tapahtuminen ja työpajojen aiheina oli autoteollisuusalan sekä alan oppilaitosten mahdollisuuksien ja eri näkökulmien tutkiminen ja kehittäminen. Näistä kokonaisuuksista kertoivat hankkeen projektipäällikkö Jarmo Kujanpää, TKI-asiantuntija Jan Kettula sekä yliopettaja Mikhail Nemilentsev. Loppuseminaariin oli kutsuttu myös paikalle professori Heikki Liimatainen ja yliopisto-opettaja Erika Kallionpää Tampereen yliopistosta ja tutkijaopiskelija Nikhil Phadnis LUT-yliopistosta keynote puhujiksi.
Heikki Liimatainen on yksi johtavista asiantuntijoista kestävän liikenteen alalla ja on palkittu tutkimuksistaan useaan otteeseen. Erika Kallionpäällä on paljon kokemusta useista tutkimuksista logistiikkaan sekä toimitusketjun hallintaan liittyen ja hän keskittyy tutkimuksissaan erityisesti ympäristön vaikutuksiin ja käyttäjäystävällisyyteen. Nikhil Phadnis toimii konsulttina Fortune 1000-yhtiöille erikoistuen TRIZ-menetelmän käyttöön.
Loppuseminaari alkaa: Kuljetussysteemin tarpeet ja tulevaisuuden logistiikka
Loppuseminaari alkoi klo 10.15 projektipäällikkö Jarmo Kujanpään puheella. Hän toivotti kaikki lämpimästi tervetulleiksi ja tiivisti lyhyesti loppuseminaarin ohjelman ja esitteli keynote puhujat. Jarmon puheen jälkeen puheenvuoron sai seuraavaksi professori Heikki Liimatainen Tampereen yliopistosta. Hänen puheensa käsitteli nykyaikaisen kuljetussysteemin haittavaikutuksia ympäristölle ja mitä muutoksia olisi tarpeen tehdä. Heikin puheessa keskeisessä roolissa olivat muun muassa seuraavat aiheet: Digitalisaatio, sähköistäminen, automaatio ja muutokset päätöksenteossa.
Heikin jälkeen puheenvuoron sai yliopisto-opettaja Erika Kallionpää Tampereen yliopistosta. Hänen puheensa käsitteli tulevaisuuden logistiikkaa; mitä mahdollisuuksia se tarjoaa ja mitä haasteita siihen kuuluu. Erika pohjusti miten tulevaisuuden trendit tulevat vaikuttamaan logistiikkaan ja mitä taitoja logistiikan ammattilaiset mahdollisesti tarvitsevat tulevaisuudessa.
Teknologian ennustaminen autoteollisuudessa
Erikan puheenvuoron jälkeen pidettiin pieni tauko, jonka jälkeen taas jatkettiin mielenkiintoisten aiheiden parissa. Seuraavana vuorossa oli tieteiden maisteri Nikhil Phadnis, tutkijaopiskelija LUT-yliopistosta. Nikhil käsitteli puheessaan TRIZ-menetelmän hyödyntämistä teknologian ennustamisessa. Teknologin ennustus tarkoittaa avointa tavoitetta mihin suuntaan teknologian arvioidaan kehittyvän ja sitä kautta tehdä pitkäkestoisia päätöksiä. Nikhil käsitteli myös niin sanottua asiakkaan ääni- ja tuotteen ääni -konseptia, jota hyödyntäen voidaan löytää asiakkaiden piileviä tarpeita näin vähentää epäonnistuneiden innovaatioiden riskiä.
Nikhilin esityksen näet tästä.
Kun Nikhil sai puheenvuoronsa päätökseen, seuraavaksi puheenvuoron sai hankkeen projektipäällikkö Jarmo Kujanpää. Jarmo kertoi hankkeen aikana tehdyistä tutkimuksista, jotka koostuivat niin sanotuista työpaketeista. Työpaketteja suoritettiin kaiken kaikkiaan 6 kappaletta ja niihin sisältyi 17 toimenpidettä.
Yhteen näiden työpakettien tapahtumista kuului Teacher’s Week, joka luotiin Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Xamkin ja Kouvolan ammattiopisto Edukon yhteistyön tuloksena. Tapahtuman teemana oli hyviksi todetut käytännöt opetuksessa. Teacher’s Week järjestettiin kaksi kertaa, joissa molemmissa oli mielenkiintoisia puheenaiheita mm. modernin teknologian hyödyntämisestä opetuksessa ja jatkuvasta oppimisesta.
Hankkeen aikana kehitettiin myös kaksi kertaa järjestetty Futures Workshop-työpaja, jonka fokuksena oli hyödyntää virtuaalisen sekä vaihtoehtoisen todellisuuden teknologiaa ja löytää uusia mahdollisuuksia niiden kautta. Työpajan keskiössä oli myös yhteistyö Pietarilaisen LETI-yliopiston kanssa ja jonka pohjalta pilotoitiin yhteistä opinto-ohjelma.
Futures Lab Logistics puolestaan oli työpajojen sarja, jonka teemana oli havainnoida tulevaisuudessa tapahtuvia muutoksia autoalan ekosysteemeissä sekä logistiikan näkökulmasta ja arvioida mahdollisia vaikutuksia.
Innocamp – Automotive Innovation Camp (AIC) oli 4-päiväinen tapahtuma, jossa suomalaiset ja venäläiset partnerioppilaitokset oppilaineen ja opettajineen innovoivat uusia ratkaisuja autoteollisuus- ja autourheilualan tarpeisiin rajojen välisestä näkökulmasta. KymiRingin asiakas- ja palveluntarjontaprofilointia hyödynnetiin tapahtuman aikana.
Jarmo Kujanpään lisäksi edellä mainittuja kokonaisuuksia olivat mukana kertomassa TKI-asiantuntija Jan Kettula ja yliopettaja Mikhail Nemilentsev.
Jarmon, Janin ja Mikhailin esitykset näet tästä.
Seminaarissa läsnä oli myös kansainvälisten hankkeiden vastaava Tatiana Talalaeva LETI-yliopistosta etäyhteydellä. Tatiana antoi lyhyen tiivistelmän Race4Scale-hankkeen ja LETI-yliopiston välisestä yhteistyöstä ja esitteli keräämäänsä palautetta yhteistyön aikana tehdyistä työpajoista.
Tatianan esityksen näet tästä.
Tatianan esityksen jälkeen viimeisenä muttei vähäisimpänä Kudrovo teknologiakeskuksen edustaja Sergei Kadiev kertoi vielä työpajoista ja innovaatioleireistä, joita he olivat toteuttaneet hankkeen aikana. Edellämainituista työpajoista ja työleireistä löytyy lisätietoa hankesivuilta.
Tämän jälkeen oli aika päättää loppuseminaari. Jarmo kiitti kaikkia osallistujia ja yhteistyökumppaneita. Hän rohkaisi kaikkia tutustumaan Race4Scale-hankkeen kotisivuihin, sillä kaikki raportit ja tutkimukset ovat dokumentoitu sinne kaiken muun olennaisen informaation lisäksi.
Hankkeen kivinen, mutta tuottoisa tie
Race4Scale – teollisuuden ja moottoriurheilun ekosysteemi -hanke aloitti toimintansa toukokuussa 2020, eli aikana, jolloin koronapandemia ravisutti maailmaa. Kaksi vuotta myöhemmin Venäjä hyökkäsi Ukrainaan. Näistä syistä suomalaiset ja venäläiset kumppanit eivät koskaan tavanneet fyysisesti toisiaan ja koko hanke jouduttiin toteuttamaan etähankkeena. Kaikesta tästä huolimatta Race4Scale-hanke sai toimintansa kunniallisesti päätökseensä ja tuotti mielenkiintoisia tutkimustuloksia, joita käydään läpi hankkeen loppuseminaarissa 24. marraskuuta.
Race4Scale-hanke teki yhteistyötä venäläisten hankekumppaneidensa kanssa (Pietarilainen teknillinen LETI-yliopisto, autoteollisuutta edustava Union “Autoprom North-West” ja teknologiakeskus Kudrovo). Suomesta Xamkin hallinnoimassa hankkeessa kumppaneina olivat Kouvolasta Taitaja ja Ksao, jotka vuoden 2022 alussa yhdistyivät Edukoksi.
Työpajat ja tapahtumat tutkimusmenetelminä
Hankkeessa järjestettiin erilaisia työpajoja ja tapahtumia, joiden aiheina oli autoteollisuusalan sekä alan oppilaitosten mahdollisuuksien ja eri näkökulmien tutkiminen ja kehittäminen.
Yksi näistä tapahtumista on Teacher’s Week, joka luotiin Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Xamkin ja Kouvolan ammattiopisto Edukon yhteistyön tuloksena. Tapahtuman teemana oli hyviksi todetut käytännöt opetuksessa. Teacher’s Week järjestettiin kaksi kertaa, joissa molemmissa oli mielenkiintoisia puheenaiheita mm. modernin teknologian hyödyntämisestä opetuksessa ja jatkuvasta oppimisesta.
Hankkeen aikana kehitettiin myös kaksi kertaa järjestetty Futures Workshop-työpaja, jonka fokuksena oli hyödyntää virtuaalisen sekä vaihtoehtoisen todellisuuden teknologiaa ja löytää uusia mahdollisuuksia niiden kautta. Työpajan keskiössä oli myös yhteistyö Pietarilaisen LETI-yliopiston kanssa ja jonka pohjalta pilotoitiin yhteistä opinto-ohjelma.
Futures Lab Logistics puolestaan oli työpajojen sarja, jonka teemana oli havainnoida tulevaisuudessa tapahtuvia muutoksia autoalan ekosysteemeissä sekä logistiikan näkökulmasta ja arvioida mahdollisia vaikutuksia.
Innocamp – Automotive Innovation Camp (AIC) oli 4-päiväinen tapahtuma, jossa suomalaiset ja venäläiset partnerioppilaitokset oppilaineen ja opettajineen innovoivat uusia ratkaisuja autoteollisuus- ja autourheilualan tarpeisiin rajojen välisestä näkökulmasta. KymiRingin asiakas- ja palveluntarjontaprofilointia hyödynnetiin tapahtuman aikana.
Puhetta tulevaisuuden logistiikasta ja autoteollisuuden käyttäjäkokemuksista
Loppuseminaarissa käsitellään tapahtumia laajemmin. Seminaarin keynote-puhujina ovat Heikki Liimatainen ja Erika Kallionpää Tampereen yliopistosta ja Nikhil Phadnis LUT-yliopistosta. Heikki Liimatainen on yksi johtavista asiantuntijoista kestävän liikenteen alalla ja on palkittu tutkimuksistaan useaan otteeseen. Erika Kallionpäällä on paljon kokemusta useista tutkimuksista logistiikkaan sekä toimitusketjun hallintaan liittyen ja hän keskittyy tutkimuksissaan erityisesti ympäristön vaikutuksiin ja käyttäjäystävällisyyteen. Nikhil Phadnis toimii konsulttina Fortune 1000-yhtiöille erikoistuen TRIZ-menetelmän käyttöön.
Keynote-puhujien aiheet keskittyvät samojen aiheiden ympärille, mutta esillä on myösi uusia mielenkiintoisia näkökulmia: esimerkiksi se, miten kuluttajien ääni ja tuotteen ääni korreloivat keskenään autoteollisuusalalla.
Race4Scale-loppuseminaari järjestetään 24. Marraskuuta klo 10.15 alkaen Kotkassa Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu Xamkin kampuksella, 3. kerroksessa huoneessa 4005B (Pääskysentie 1, 48220 Kotka). Seminaari järjestetään hybriditapahtumana, eli seminaariin voi tulla joko paikan päälle tai osallistua etänä Zoom-sovelluksen kautta. Ennakkoilmoittautumista ei tarvita. Zoomiin pääset tästä.
Seminaarin tarkemman ohjelman voit tsekata täältä.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa!
Jarmo Kujanpää, projektipäällikkö | jarmo.kujanpaa@xamk.fi
Finnish Teachers Week järjestettiin toista kertaa hybdridi-tapahtumana ammattiopisto Edukon tiloissa 2. päivä syyskuuta 2022. Tapahtuma järjestettiin Zoom-tapaamisena, johon pystyi osallistumaan Zoomin kautta kuin myös tulemaan paikan päälle.
Finnish Teachers Week on tapahtuma, jonka teemana on hyviksi todetut käytännöt opetuksessa. Ensimmäinen Teachers Week järjestettiin kahtena päivänä verkkotapahtumana huhtikuussa päivinä 20. ja 27. vuonna 2021, jolloin puheenaiheina olivat mm. jatkuva oppiminen, monikulttuurisuus, työelämään perehdyttäminen ja modernin teknologian hyödyntäminen opetuksessa.
Tämänvuotisessa Teacher Week-tapahtumassa jatkettiin modernin teknologian linjalla. Ammattiopisto Eduko esitteli älylaseja ja mitä mahdollisuuksia ne antavat opetuksessa. Xamk esitteli Kouvolan kampuksen tiloissa toimivaa Fuel Experience Lab-konseptia ja mitä ratkaisuja kyseinen tila tarjoaa teknologian ja palvelumuotoilun kautta. Kouvolan kampus esitteli myös englanninkielistä liiketalouden koulutuslinjaa. Lisäksi Mikkelin kampus esitteli insinööri-koulutukseen kuuluvaa ympäristöteknologian opintoja. Molemmat kampukset esittelivät koulutuslinjojaan siitä näkökulmasta, että mitä hyviksi todettuja käytäntöjä he ovat omaksuneet opinnoissaan.
Tapahtuma alkaa: Eduko esittelee älylasit
Tapahtuma alkoi hankkeen projektipäällikön Jarmo Kujanpään lyhyellä puheella, jossa hän toivotti yleisön lämpimästi tervetulleeksi. Toisena puheenvuorossa oli kehityspäällikkö Tuija Arola ammattiopisto EduKolta, ja hän avasi laajemmin älylasien konseptia ja kertoi niiden hyödyistä pedagogisesta näkökulmasta. Tuija kertoi, miten he haluavat tarjota oppilailleen niinsanotun monikanavaisen oppikokemuksen älylasien avulla, painottaen sitä, että oppilailla on erilaiset tavat oppia ja miten älylasit voivat antaa ratkaisun tähän.
Tuijan esityksen jälkeen Petteri Aspelund Pekava Oy:lta ja Mika Koivistoinen Fromidea Oy:lta esittelivät älylaseja käytännössä. Etäyhteydessä paikalla oli myös David Sims DynaBook Europelta (Edukon älylasien toimittaja), joka pystyi vastaamaan kysymyksiin älylaseihin liittyen ensin selitettyään älylasien konseptia.
Älylasit voivat kokonaan korvata kannettavat tietokoneet; Älylasit ovat liitetty taskukokoiseen tietokoneeseen, johon pystyy liittämään halutessaan ulkoisen näytön sekä näppäimistön.
Xamk esittelee: Fuel Experience Lab ja liiketalouden koulutuslinja
EduKon jälkeen esittelyvuorossa oli Xamk, jonka ensimmäisenä aiheena oli Fuel Experience Lab, lyhyemmin FUEL. Projektipäällikkö Jani Kiviranta esitteli etäyhteyden kautta FUELin tiloja. Seuraavaksi Jani esitteli FUELin periaatteita. FUEL on niin sanotusti “palvelumuotoilun klinikka”, joka teknologiansa avulla pyrkii tarjoamaan uusia näkökulmia ja niiden kautta ratkaisuja. FUEL tarjoaa immersiivisyyttä OiOin älyseinän ja VR-lasien avulla kuin myös kehittyneemmät tilat tapahtumille sekä kehittyneemmät etätyöskentelymahdollisuudet.
Jani Kivirannan jälkeen puheenvuoron sai yliopettaja Mikhail Nemilentsev. Mikhail esitteli Mikkelin kampuksen englanninkielistä liiketalouden koulutuslinjaa. Liiketalouden koulutuslinja jakautuu kolmeen eri erikoistumisohjelmaan: Digitaalinen liiketalous, hyvinvoinnin hallinta ja kansainvälinen liiketalous. Kullekin alalle tarjotaan mahdollisuuksia työskennellä oikeiden yritysten kanssa opintojen aikana sekä Xamkin tutkimusyksikön projekteissa. Muun muassa Active Life Lab, joka on yksi Xamkin tutkimus- ja kehitysyksiköistä, on olennainen osa hyvinvoinnin hallinnan koulutusohjelmaa.
Active Life Lab toimii oppimisympäristönä hyvinvoinnin hallinnan liiketalouden opiskelijoille.
XAMK esittelee: Ympäristöteknologian koulutuslinja
Mikhail Nemilentsevin jälkeen viimeisenä muttei vähäisimpänä puheenvuoron sai Arto Sormunen, yliopettaja Xamkin Mikkelin kampukselta. Arto esitteli ympäristöteknologian insinööri-koulutuslinjaa. Esityksessään Arto esitteli laitteistoja ja tilanteita, joita ympäristöteknologian koulutuksessa pääsee kokemaan.
Arton esityksen jälkeen projektipäällikkö Jarmo Kujanpää päätti tapahtuman tiivistämällä läpikäydyt aiheet ja rohkaisi yleisöä tutustumaan EduKon sekä Xamkin toimintaan.
Participants of the winter school “Innovation and Quality Management in the Automotive Industry 4.0” will get essentials and tools for steering innovative production and organizing quality management.
From January 24 to February 1, LETI will hold the winter school “Innovation and Quality Management in the Automotive Industry 4.0,” developed by the Institute of Innovative Design and Technological Entrepreneurship (INPROTECH) of LETI and the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK). More than 40 participants from Russia, Finland, India, Vietnam, Africa, and other countries will study innovative management and quality assurance.
The course is designed for students and professionals who want to develop a career in innovative engineering and production. It has two tracks focused on innovations, leadership, and quality management. The first one includes the theory and practice of innovation management and innovative product marketing. In the second track, participants will get basic skills in lean production and quality management and effective leadership in quality assurance of the automotive industry.
“The goal of the Russian-Finnish project is to develop cross-border education, and one of its main tasks is to develop international educational programs. The winter school at LETI is an excellent example of such cooperation, which opens up new opportunities for Russian and Finnish students.
Many students from Russia are already taking a full course at XAMK. I would like to thank students participating in the Winter School at LETI. You are participating in the creation of a new kind of cooperation.” — Jarmo Kujanpää, Race4Scale Project Manager
The winter school “Innovation and Quality Management in the Automotive Industry 4.0” will take place both offline and online. The program includes lectures, case discussions, solving management problems, talks with experts, self-training, and testing. The final evaluation will take into account the results of the tests, case solutions, and active participation in the classes.
Winter school participants will learn modern concepts and practices for managing technological innovation in an R&D-intensive company. This knowledge will launch a value-based management career in high-tech automotive companies. Students who complete the course will be eligible to take the European Organization for Quality (EoQ) Qualification Recognition exam without additional training.
Winter School on intensiivikurssi tulevaisuuden innovaattoreille, joka järjestetään 24.1. – 1.2.2022.
- Kurssi järjestetään kokonaan englanniksi.
- Kurssin teema on Innovation and Quality Management in the Automotive Industry 4.0.
- Neljän opintopisteen kurssi on tarkoitettu opiskelijoille ja ammattilaisille, jotka haluavat kehittää uran innovatiivisen suunnittelun ja tuotannon parissa.
- Kurssilla on kaksi reittiä, jotka keskittyvät innovaatioihin, johtajuuteen ja laadunhallintaan.
- Kurssin on kehittänyt Inprotekh Institute of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI) ja Xamk (Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu).
Lisätietoja, kurssin aikataulu ja sisältö sekä ilmoittautuminen.
The second workshop day was held on the 13th of October 2021, from 9:30 to 14:30. A total of 24 student participants gathered in Microsoft Teams for the day. Students working in the teams were present since the morning and other participants were invited to join for the Futures Fair in the afternoon. In the Futures Fair, each team was to present their work from the workshop days’ group working sessions.
Similarly, to Workshop Day I, the second day started with an introduction to the day’s agenda. Workshop manager Tero Villman gave a recap on the work done so far and reminded the teams of the workflow. In the last groupwork part, the teams had to gather their earlier ideas with the most votes from the foresight lense. One idea from each dimension in PESTE was chosen to work on further.
The next phase was to draft a future scenario. A scenario is a potential image of the future set in a specific time with a logical path leading to or from it. In this case, the scenario was to be from the year 2030. The teams had to write down how their ideas would look in the future versus the current moment. It was also important for each team to give their scenario a catchy and intriguing name. The topic’s relation to competence development, new technologies, and opportunities for cross-border collaboration was underlined so that each team would remember to take these overall themes into account in their scenario.
The teams listed the changes that would need to occur in 2022, 2025 and 2028 for their scenario to come true in 2030. This formed a narrative, a logical path from the current moment to the team’s envisioned future. The teams were allowed to find and use images in their work. These scenarios were presented at the Futures Fair at 12:30.
The Futures Fair
Team 1: Meaningful work augmented by technology in 2030
Scenario: Future Hospital
The team’s most important themes were VR in healthcare and teaching, and AI & robots in healthcare. Some of the team’s ideas were about how artificial intelligence could assist in diagnosing patients, automatization of databases and efficient communication within the hospital. Robots could help with patient care and in manual labor and as an entertainment service to patients. The teams also presented ideas concerning prosthetics and augmentation and how they would be developed in the far future.
Team 2: Product testing and creation in virtual reality
Scenario: The juicy future of VR designing
The team pondered the juicy future of VR design – virtual reality for customers & business. How can we enhance the process of the creation of a product including designing and testing? How can companies benefit from these changes, such as lowering the cost of production? The steps into this scenario in 2030 would include VR technologies becoming more common in different environments for businesses and customers to take advantage from them. To use VR in prototyping, the technology would also have to become more advanced and easily accessible.
Team 3: Meaningful work augmented by technology in 2030: How technology can enhance the learning process in the medical field
Scenario: Virtual push
For the team’s scenario to happen in 2030, the usage of virtual reality technologies would have to become more commonplace. New technologies would be introduced into the learning process and studies would include more engagement via visuals and audio virtually. As these technologies become more common, more opportunities arise: education and possibilities to learn become more accessible and equality increases globally. This scenario has downsides, too: the continuously increasing consumption of electronics will have a negative impact on the environment and the increased number of professionals will lead to unemployment.
Team 4: Life-long learning on the job in 2030
Scenario: Almost positive
The team’s topic was the potential of lifelong learning in helping individuals to learn anywhere with less effort. In the digital age, the application of technologies to businesses will be a better virtue than simply knowing the technology itself. Blended learning can give different learners the opportunity to learn based on their personal preferences and style at their own convenience. This will also promote continuous lifelong learning. In this scenario, re-skilling and repurposing one’s talents is important. For the learner, lifelong learning is often voluntary and stems from self-motivation. It is important to have opportunities for up-skilling, re-training, and professional development to stay relevant and progress in working life.
In the scenario, in 2030 the technological advances are embraced by everyone, giving access to the tools and the possibility for lifelong learning. This will open cross-border collaboration. There can also be negative impacts in this scenario, such as the need for specialists in mental health care and social issues to deal with the negative consequences of alternate reality (AR).
Team 5: Smarter architecture with VR
Scenario: Smart World
The smart world scenario is all about focusing on smarter choices. Architecture designers can design faster and more efficiently and make more connected choices with the consumers. Structures will have more inventions, such as intelligent reporting and connecting the results for better and smarted upgrades. Sustainability is an important theme to back the scenario up.
Virtual reality along with research and development is deployed for better solutions, continuous improvements and making sure the consumer’s choices and needs are considered. Eventually the smart world way of thinking is realized as the main way to design and construct buildings. The new designs will have zero emissions.
After the presentations, everyone had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions from the teams. Many of the teams’ presentations had common themes. The scenarios aim mainly to improve our quality of life and unite us across the world. For these benefits to happen we must also be ready to accept new technologies. AR and VR seem to enable solutions to many issues, but their negative impacts were also present in the scenarios.
As common nominators for every team’s conclusions one could raise the unprecedented opportunities of AR and VR in enhancing an individual’s personal aspirations both during one’s educational path and their capabilities in influencing the development of the surrounding society.
The teams gained positive feedback from the audience and from each other. For such a short time to prepare, each team did an impressive job. Successful group working was in a key role in the work process.
After the workshop days, each team’s facilitator will make sure the outputs and the work are documented into a report.
The first workshop day was held on the 29th of September 2021 from 9:30 to 14:30. A total of 37 participants gathered in Microsoft Teams for the day. Most of the participants were students from Xamk and LETI, who took part in the five teams of the group working session, but other participants were also welcomed to come in and listen to the keynote speakers.
The workshop’s manager Tero Villman kicked off the day with the inspiring themes of foresight and futures research. He instructed the participating teams on the day’s working methods and upcoming schedules. For the teams, the main goal of the day was to start their work on identifying the opportunities for competence development with new and emerging technologies related to virtual and mixed reality environments. The teams consisted of students from Xamk, LETI and Kudrovo. Each team had a facilitator student from Xamk, who was tasked with coordinating, instructing, encouraging, and documenting the groupwork activities.
After the introduction, the stage was given to the keynote speakers. Panu Johansson, UX Designer at Ponsse Oyj, talked about work that Ponsse does in forestry: “Seeing the wood for the trees – Keeping users at the center of modern forestry”. Ponsse concentrates on sales, service, manufacturing, and technology related to cut-to-length forest machines and services. It is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of forestry equipment.
Johansson presented interesting examples of the complicated processes and the importance of decision making in the field overall and in his work as UX Designer. He also presented how simulation is used at Ponsse and what kind of pros and cons it has. With new efficient methods and technology, customer’s needs can define which kind of timber is produced and less wood is wasted. One of the main challenges in user centered UX design is how to really understand the user, be it the forestry machine driver or the customer.
The second keynote speech was given by Osku Torro, Doctoral Researcher at Tampere University. His topic was “The future is 3D: How XR technology is revolutionizing the automotive and motorsport ecosystems”. His presentation was to give ideas of the technological possibilities we already have in XR – extended reality, including virtual and augmented realities. Natural 3D content and interaction with XR technologies will soon revolutionize how we work, train, and collaborate. When the XR system responds to the user’s actions realistically, they are likely to behave realistically in XR as well. Therefore, acquiring professional skills and knowledge via the use of XR holds exceptional potential.
“The world is 3D, so why not simulate it – or create something that is even more spectacular? How about creating a world where you can have superpowers, and where you level up not your fictional game character but yourself?” – Osku Torro
During Workshop Day I, the teams worked in two sessions with pregiven tasks: Gaining Perspective and Foresight Lense. The workshop’s working process was based on the Futures Clinique method (Ruotsalainen & Heinonen 2013).
The Gaining perspective section utilized a method called the Futures Wheel. The teams work outwards in steps or layers from their chosen topic. Each group member writes what they consider to be a new and interesting impact on their topic. After discussing the ideas on the first layer, the group moves on to the second level impacts and further on to the third layer of ideas.
The Foresight Lense section utilized a method called the Futures table. It is a method to classify impacts per dimension: Political, economic, social, technological, and ecological (PESTE). Each key idea is categorized to the different rows. After the categorizations, the ideas are discussed, and the most important ideas are voted by the group.
Group working started around 10:30 and continued until 14:15 with a quick check up on everyone’s progression. At the conclusion of the day, each team gave a quick overview on what topic they had chosen and how their work had proceeded during the day. To ensure the teams can continue their work until Workshop Day II, they had the opportunity for any questions and clarifications on the process. Tero Villman gave instructions on the follow up work after Day I and before Workshop Day II. He and the keynote speakers will also help the groups in an optional support session before the second workshop day.
At the Futures Lab Workshop Day II on the 13th of October, the groups will complete their work and present it to everyone at the Futures Fair.
Download Panu Johansson’s keynote presentation (11.3MB).
Download Osku Torro’s keynote presentation (2,2MB).
Read more about the series of Futures Lab Workshop
Heinonen, S., Ruotsalainen, J. Futures Clinique—method for promoting futures learning and provoking radical futures. Eur J Futures Res 1, 7 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40309-013-0007-4
The kick-off day took place on Wednesday, September 15th 2021 starting at 09.30 through to 11:30 Finnish time. The meeting was arranged in TEAMS due to Covid restrictions.
After having welcomed all participants to join the TEAMS workshops, RDI Specialist and workshop manager Tero Villman first presented the background and main objectives of the workshop, as well as the preliminary assignment for the students to prepare for the first actual workshop day later in September.
Tero organized the attending students into five teams, which were selected by the project team in advance. First activity for the students was to present oneself and their motivation for participating in this workshop to their own team members. Each team’s main task was then to discuss and together select and define their teams’ own specific topic, which they will then develop and elaborate during the workshop days under Tero’s and facilitator students’ supervision.
Before Tero closed the session at 11:30, students asked questions about matters concerning team set-up, working methods and possible workshop topics.
From the 18th to the 21st of May 2021, the Union “Autoprom North-West” held an international educational competition Automotive Innovation Camp (AIC).
More than 66 people from four regions of Russia took part in the AIC events. Three teams consisting of young industry experts were from St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue College, Academy of Transport Technologies). One team was from the Leningrad region (Kudrovo Techopark School), one team from Ryazan (Ryazan Institute (branch) of the Moscow Polytechnic University) and two teams from the Pskov region (Pskov engineering and linguistic gymnasium and Palkinskaya secondary school).
The AIC program was actively supported by industry representatives, educational and technological partners of the Union “Autoprom North-West” – St. Petersburg Cluster Development Centre (“Saint Petersburg Technopark” JSC), the autonomous non-commercial organization Industry Development Centre of Leningrad Region, “Metalloproduktsia” LLC, “MGBot” LLC, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk, Finland) and Kouvola region vocational college (KSAO, Finland).
During the four-day work of AIC, a round-table was conducted with representatives of business and educational organizations. “Science, education, sport: new opportunities for career guidance and development of children’s technical creativity”, the start of the International Competition for young specialists in the automotive industry “AutoEvolution-2021” (in a hybrid format in 2022) was announced, business-cases were presented, workshops were held from business-case holders and there was a live broadcast from the II International Transport Festival “SPbTransportFest-2021”.
- Business case: “Automotive expertise of road accidents”
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)
Link to material (PDF, 704kB) - Business case: “From the first Russian cars and motor vehicles to the present day (to the 125th anniversary of the first Russian production car)”
Union “AutopromNorth-West”
Link to material (PDF, 626kB) - Business case: “Intelligent transport systems”
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)
Link to material (PDF, 1171kB) - Business case: “Maintenance optimization and vehicle fleet management platform using IoT”
Link to material (PDF, 696kB) - Business case: “Mobile application “Driver’s assistant”
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)
Link to material (PDF, 800kB) - Business case: “Movement of an unmanned vehicle using the example of the “Dynamics M1″ (educational set)”
Link to material (PDF, 781kB)
The 1st degree diploma in the “Road safety” nomination was awarded to the team from Pskov engineering and linguistic gymnasium and Palkinskaya secondary school (joint team), the 2nd degree diploma in this nomination was awarded to the team from the St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue College.
The 1st degree diploma in the “Innovative transport systems” nomination was shared by two teams from St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) and Academy of Transport Technologies, the 2nd degree diploma in this nomination was awarded to the team from the Kudrovo Techopark School.
In the nomination “Man and car: innovative modes of transport and infrastructure” the first place was taken by the team from the Ryazan Institute (branch) of the Moscow Polytechnic University, the second place belongs to the SPbGASU team.
The first place for solving the business case “Mobile App “Driver’s Assistant” was given to the team from St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue College.
Research on Current and Development Needs in the Automotive and Motorsport Industry -tutkimusjulkaisun aiheena on autoalan nykytilanne Suomessa ja sen kehitys seuraavan kymmenen vuoden aikana. Lisäksi julkaisu pureutuu autourheilun kehitykseen eurooppalaisittain, kun autoteknologia sähköistyy ja päästötavoitteet kovenevat.
Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun hallinnoima Race4Scale-hanke keskittyy autoalan markkinoihin ja moottoriurheiluun Suomessa ja Venäjällä. Mukana on viisi oppilaitosta Kouvolasta ja Pietarista sekä pietarilainen yhdistys, johon kuuluu alueella toimivia kansallisia ja kansainvälisiä autoteollisuuden yrityksiä.
Hankkeen toteuttajilla on voimakkaat yhtymäkohdat aiheeseen. Autoteollisuudella on vahva asema Pietarin alueella, jossa sijaitsee useita tunnettuja autotehtaita kuten Ford, Nissan ja Renault. Kouvolan seutu puolestaan on profiloitunut autourheilun osaamiskeskuksena alan koulutuksen myötä ja KymiRing vahvistaa tätä osaamista. Kansainväliset luokitukset täyttävällä moottoriradalla tullaan autourheilun lisäksi tekemään myös testaus-, tutkimus- ja koulutustoimintaa. Näistä lähtökohdista Race4Scale-hanke tutkii autoalan ekosysteemiä suomalais-venäläisessä yhteistyössä.
Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat henkilöautoihin ja -autoiluun vuoteen 2030?
Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin henkilöautoilun ja -autojen muutoksia Suomessa vuosina 2020-2030 keskittyen erityisesti teknologisiin muutoksiin. Henkilöautoilu ja -autot ovat käymässä läpi valtaisaa murrosta, jonka merkitys jopa ylittää siirtymisen hevosvaunuista hevosettomiin vaunuihin. Tätä murrosta ajavat niin poliittiset, ympäristölliset, sosiaaliset, teknologiset kuin taloudellisetkin tekijät.
Muutokset tarjoavat uusia mahdollisuuksia, mutta toisaalta ne monimutkaistavat autoalan toimintaympäristöä ja kasvattavat kuluttajien sekä alan toimijoiden epävarmuutta. Päästöjen vähentämistavoitteisiin pyrkiminen vaatii vaihtoehtoisten käyttövoimien kehittämistä autovalmistajilta ja omaksumista kuluttajilta. Liikenteen automatisaatiolla tavoitellaan positiivisia vaikutuksia liikenneturvallisuuteen, tuottavuuteen ja matkustusmukavuuteen. Mahdollisuuksia ja vaatimuksia uusille liiketoimintamalleille ja palveluille syntyy, kun yhteiskunta, kuluttajakäyttäytyminen ja digitalisaatio kehittyvät.
Henkilöautoilulla on keskeinen rooli liikkumisessa Suomen kaltaisessa harvaanasutussa maassa. Tämä näkyy myös kulttuurissa ja yhteiskunnallisessa keskustelussa. Nykytilannetta voidaan kuvata monien muutosten ja häiriöiden liittymäkohdaksi. Muutokset tarjoavat uusia mahdollisuuksia, mutta toisaalta ne monimutkaistavat autoalan toimintaympäristöä kasvattaen kuluttajien sekä autoalan toimijoiden epävarmuutta.
Ihmisten ja tavaroiden kuljettaminen paikasta toiseen kuvaa vain yhtä henkilöautojen käyttömahdollisuutta: liikkuvuutta. Nykyaikaiset henkilöautot ovat edistyneitä tuotteita, joissa kehittynyt laitteisto yhdistyy jatkuvasti laajenevaan ohjelmistopohjaan ja -alustoihin. Kuten matkapuhelimille, autojen ympärille kehittyy uusia innovaatioita, ekosysteemejä ja käyttömahdollisuuksia. Keskeisimpiin kysymyksiin kuuluu, miten näitä mahdollisuuksia osataan hyödyntää Suomessa sekä miten koulutusta ja työssäoppimista on kehitettävä. Lisäksi on pohdittava, miten autoalan on kehityttävä, jotta pystytään toimimaan taitavasti muutoksen keskellä sekä tulevaisuudessa. Autoalalla tarvittavat tiedot ja taidot edellyttävät sekä leveyttä että syvyyttä. Huomioon on otettava vanha, nykyinen ja uusi tekniikka. Lisäksi yksi asia on varma: oppimisen tulee olla jatkuvaa ja elinikäistä.
Kymmenen vuotta on suhteellisen lyhyt aika muutoksiin henkilöautojen ympärille muodostuneessa monimutkaisessa systeemissä. Nykyiset olosuhteet, päätökset ja toimet vaikuttavat kehitykseen, mutta lisäksi tulee ymmärtää aikaisempien päätösten ja toimien vaikutukset. Autoiluun liittyen menneiden ja tulevien päätösten vaikutukset ovat läsnä vuosia ja vuosikymmeniä.
Ratkaisuja muuttuviin haasteisiin
Autoalan haasteet muuttuvat ennennäkemättömän nopeasti ja keskeisin kysymys onkin, miten koulutuksen avulla voimme vastata niihin. Aikuiskoulutus Taitaja on kouluttanut ajoneuvoalan ammattilaisia yli 40 vuoden ajan ja vuodesta 2015 lähtien myös moottoriurheilumekaanikkoja yhteistyössä moottoriurheilutallien kanssa. Osana koulutuksen jatkuvaa kehittämistä Taitaja on toteuttanut kansallisia ja kansainvälisiä hankkeita, joiden tavoitteena on ollut ajoneuvoalan tulevaisuuden osaamisvaatimusten tunnistaminen ja sisällyttäminen koulutusohjelmiin. Kehitystyötä on tehty tiiviissä yhteistyössä ajoneuvo- ja logistiikka-alan yritysten ja tutkimuslaitosten kanssa.
Tutkimuksessa Taitajan aiheena oli selvittää autourheilun nykytilaa ja kehitystä. Tavoitteena oli tunnistaa autourheilumekaanikolta vaadittavaa osaamista. Selvitys osoitti, että sähköautot tulevat vahvasti osaksi autourheilua ja Kansainvälinen Autoliitto FIA sekä mm. Formula 1 -tallit ovat asettaneet kunnianhimoisen tavoitteen hiilineutraaliuden saavuttamisesta vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Toimenpiteet koskevat kokonaisvaltaisesti kilpailutapahtumia sisältäen myös kilpailuorganisaatioiden, logistiikan ja katsojien synnyttämän ympäristökuormituksen vähentämisen.
Uusien teknologioiden kehittämisessä moottoriurheilu on edelläkävijä ja testilaboratorio, josta innovaatiot vähitellen siirtyvät henkilö- ja ammattiliikenteen ajoneuvoihin. Selvityksen tuloksena tunnistettiin myös autourheilumekaanikon yleiset ja spesifit osaamiset jaoteltuna ns. koviin (hard skills) ja pehmeisiin (soft skills) työelämätaitoihin.
Lue julkaisu osoitteessa: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-344-325-9
The second Future Professions Workshop was arranged by Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” in cooperation with the other Russian Race4Scale project partners, Autoprom and Kudrovo. The workshops were held on the 8th and 12th of December in 2020. Like the previous workshop earlier in the autumn, the workshop was arranged via Zoom. The Russian keynote speakers had interesting presentations about new technologies in the automotive industry.
The presentations and the workshop agenda can be found here.
Presentation Highlights
On the first workshop day, Irina Borovskaya and Alexandra Proshkina from INTPROTECH introduced a research of cross-border automotive and motorsport industries in the Russian Federation and Finland.
“There is a need to create modern educational programs, module and projects of secondary and higher education in the field of training specialists for the automotive industry in the North-West Federal District and Finland, in accordance with trends in the technological development of the industry.”
The presentation featured an interesting proposal to create a free economic zone on the border of Finland and the Leningrad region. This zone would provide the opportunity for simplified rules of entry, residence and procedure for employment.
Autoprom North-West represents many well-known international and national automotive brands. The international automotive companies have factories in the St. Petersburg region. Autoprom has done a research about the current situation and the development needs in the automotive industry. The amount of car production decreased 27 % from year 2019 to year 2020 in Russia. However, it is estimated to increase slowly from year 2021. This estimation aligns with the international car production trends.
There were 7925 electric passenger cars in Russia in July 2020. Nissan was represented by 6747 EVs. There are 500 electric buses in Moscow, which is more than in other European capital cities. In 2023, there will be 2300 EV buses in Moscow. Autoprom’s research also studied the demands of automotive professions in the future.
Anton Filatov represented ETU-LETI’s “Using the Duckietown platform as a simulator for managing autonomous systems” – an RDI project study about autonomous driving with a toy-scale testing track. Duckietown track simulates a city environment. The development of software and the usage of camera technology represents a significant role in the project.
The WP1 workshop days also included a section of team working. On the first day, the teamwork topic was to develop a simple software to the Duckietown platform.
On the second workshop day, Evgeniy Vorobyov from ETU-LETI’s Research Institute “Prognoz” represented “Intelligent Radar Systems for the Automotive Industry.” There are many uses and implementations for the traffic control radars such as velocity red light enforcement, crossroads management, object classifications and traffic statistics. The radar systems could be utilized in other businesses too. The software and hardware radar systems have been developed in ETU-LETI.
Nikita Sitkov from ETU-LETI presented about the topic of “smart clothes” as well as the sensor elements integrated into a car seat and a steering wheel. The presentation, “Automotive Bio-Techno Interface”, highlighted that the artificial integral neuroprocessor holds a key role in this technology. The teamwork topic on the second day was based on this presentation. The task for each group was to think and innovate about “What sensors can be used as the basis for a trucker monitoring system before and during a trip?”
The team working groups consisted mostly of students from South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Kouvola Region Vocational College, Global Education Services Taitaja and Kudrovo Education Centre.
In addition to students, each group had personnel or specialists to bring their own point of views to the conversation. Since the Future Professions Workshop was carried out in a hybrid model, the groups worked together partly in the same space with others joining online.
On Day 1, the participants were given themes to work on. The topics were based on the day’s keynote presentations regarding the studies of Tuija Arola, PhD., Development Director at Adult Education Taitaja Global Education Services, and Tero Villman, RDI Specialist and Futures Researcher. Each group had two topics to work on and they were asked to answer two simple questions in their presentation: What and why. To prepare for Workshop Day 2, the participants were also given homework to become acquainted with megatrends and Future Bank.
On Day 2, each group had to choose one of the Day 1 ideas to develop further. The groups had a few more added questions to answer, how and to whom, and were also given new problem solving methods to be considered. The Day 1 topics were:
- Continuous learning in a constantly evolving domain.
- Cars for other uses in addition to mobility: The transportation of people and goods from one place to another is only one use case; similarly to mobile phones, where calling was the first use case.
- New services: Understanding technology and new possibilities; Understanding and providing best solutions for customer needs; shifting from product sales to lifecycle services.
- Features of a top mechanic in motorsports.
- Motorsport is a forerunner in sustainability.
- Technological development brings possibilities and uncertainty.
Jan Kettula, RDI Specialist at Xamk, collected and presented the main outcomes, concerns and ideas from Day 1 group discussion. One of the main outcomes of Day 1 presentations was how artificial intelligence, sustainability, emissions and the need for services instead of owning affects the near future. Sustainability is and will be the main driver for the development in several areas: motorsport, electronic battery development and formula E. Motorsport aims for optimal performance and efficiency. In formula E, new customers, servicescape and collaboration opportunities contribute to new business models. Motorsports is the testing platform and the development lab for innovations. It provides new technologies, but also brings new skill requirements to the field.
On Day 1, the groups discussed how the themes of connectivity, data compilation, service opportunities and privacy could create a network of conflicting interests in the field. The groups considered the opportunities in developing public transportation and updating and upgrading the existing vehicle fleet. However, they also recognized the challenges in different areas such as competition versus standardisation.

Group discussions brought up worry for the local circumstances regarding geography, weather and the differences between societies and their effect on infrastructure and business. The impact in e-infrastructure was also a much-discussed topic. The networks, charging stations and distribution were considered both an opportunity and a challenge. The fruits of the presentations of Day 1 also included examples of innovations and designs in vehicle technology. In summary, the groups were pondering how to match existing education structures with the expanding need of constantly updating the skills and performance of individuals and teams.
Thinking About Future
The keynote speaker for Day 2 was RDI Specialist and Futures Researcher Tero Villman. The presentation aimed to provide some food for thought in regards of thinking about the future, and posed interesting questions about how and why we perceive the future as we do.
In our minds, the future can be discerned in very different ways. The keynote offered analogies on what do we see when we think about future. Future is often imagined as a post-apocalyptic view or a very futuristic city with shimmering, white buildings and space colonies. However, for example, the future could also be described as a highway, heading straight to a specific destination, or a forest path with many potential directions. It can also look like a jungle, requiring you to clear your own path, or a wide-open space filled with endless possibilities.
At the beginning of the 20th century, people had difficulties trying to foresee the future and had a wide range of imagines of what could be. The keynote presentation laid several examples of what our present day was thought to look like over a hundred years ago. The imagined aero-cab station shared some similarities to the present, especially since a year ago Volocopter, a pioneer in the Urban Air Mobility (UAM), successfully completed its first manned flight over Singapore’s Marina Bay.
The keynote provided several different models on how to map the alternative futures. The Futures Cone (Adapted from Voros 2003 and 2017) is a graphical representation that expands from the present into alternative futures. The future is not yet realized so everything beyond the present moment is a potential alternative future. The further we go in time, the more possibilities there are.
The Cone has plausible things, educated guesses based on current knowledge that could happen. There are current megatrends, probable things that are likely to be realized in the future. There are also projected things, the extrapolated “baseline” that is expected to become a reality as long as development continues on the same track. Beyond all this, there are also preposterous futures that are currently considered impossible. For example, in Christmas 2019, it might have been thought impossible that soon we would be in lockdown due to Covid-19. Among all of the alternative futures, we also have the preferred futures. These might not be something we have yet but instead are something we strive towards because they support our values. The preferred future is something we want to happen and think should happen. It might still be considered preposterous, though.
As another way to map the possibilities of the future, Zaidi’s Seven Foundations of World building includes different perspectives, which are then in turn divided into levels. The perspectives are social, political, economic, philosophical, environmental, scientific and technological, and artistic. Additionally, Zaidi’s model has different timescales and levels in all perspectives: Civilizational, societal, communal or organizational and individual.
There is all sorts of information available regarding the future. Megatrends are global changes that might even be considered unstoppable, such as digitalization. Sitra in Finland produces information of current megatrends. For example in 2020, these include the ageing and diversifying of the population and the embedding of technology into everything. These in turn lead to other trends such as change in work and consumption. Future Bank (Tulevaisuuspankki) is a crowdsourced look into tomorrow that collects the most impactful future trends. It is a web service that is maintained by the Finnish government. The material is discussed, reviewed, categorized and scored using the Radical Technology Inquirer (RTI) method before being added to the Future Bank. It is a great source for inspirational material.
The keynote presentation provided inspiration and ideas for the day’s group working but also for the private lives of the workshop attendees. The future is not predictable nor predetermined. Future is present today and lots of information regarding the future is already available to all of us. Future outcomes may be influenced by the choices we make today. Most importantly, the future is made, together: people must have innovative visions and want to better the society for all humanity.
Problem solving methods
Dr. Mikhail Nemilentsev from South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) presented different problem solving methods for inspiration and to give the working groups tips on how to best gather their thoughts.
The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek is a simple but powerful model. It has three concentric circles, why, how and what, that define different entities or stages of business and how the audience relates to the vision or the message. These layers represent the purpose, the process and the result.
The workshop attendees were encouraged to use Edward De Bono’s Six thinking hats methodology in the team working session of the day. Everyone in the team could wear the same hat or each person could have their own hat.
The white hat helps the group to think about how information can help the team tackle a particular issue. The red hat’s thought process includes intuition and emotions. It allows everyone to express their feelings without the need to offer a rational explanation. The yellow hat collects all the benefits and feasibility of an idea. It is the optimistic but logical hat. The black hat uses caution and criticism and assesses the risks of the idea. It is the hat of logic, critical judgement, and constructive criticism but never negativity. The green hat believes in creativity, new ideas and possibilities. The blue hat is the conductor of the orchestra and it has the control of the thinking process. Usually the chairperson or the arranger of the meeting wears the blue hat.
The presentation also touched the idea of the AHA moments of our lives by highlighting brilliant innovations such as WhatsApp and IKEA, and the people and their realizations and ideas behind them. This worked as a reminder to record your ideas. Innovations can be divided into different types such as product innovations, service innovations, process innovations and frugal innovations. The presentation helped the workshop attendees to look at their ideas from different perspectives.
Team working, part 2
The teams took their Workshop Day 2 ideas to very different directions. Some had a practical approach into services and technologies, and others focused more on developing methods. On Day 1, the groups were pondering how to match existing education structures with need of constantly updating the skills and performance of individuals and teams. One of the groups answered directly to this dilemma by diving deeper into what features a top mechanic must have in motor sports and what kind of curriculum would be needed to train one. Per the workshop’s theme, the presentation was future-oriented with attention to what special skills would a top mechanic need, such as welding modern materials, data-analysing, aerodynamics and software development.
Another group developed a concept of an autonomous taxi as a service, pondering its pros and cons. While it might not be technically a possibility yet, it is important to consider the impact of such service from different angles on both individuals and on society. The opportunities and challenges of an autonomous taxi service are multi-faceted, such as AI morals and the costs of this technology.
Two of the working groups focused on developing methods based on Day 1 ideas. From the topic of “Continuous learning is a constantly evolving domain”, one group gathered ideas based on the fact that the world is rapidly changing, and the people and institutions who exist must change with it. Their presentation focused on the change in systems as in educational institutions and companies, but also on people as in student and employees. With these two approaches, the group presented their solutions on how systems and people must evolve now in order to support continuous learning.
Another developing idea was to understand and provide the best solutions for customer needs. The group divided their approach to individual, societal, educational, cultural and business point of views and responded to each in terms of the main issues.
In each group, there was a student from Xamk, who will write a learning diary about both workshop days and the ideas and developed methods. These learning diaries and the team working presentations will be utilized in a publication that is to be published in January 2021 by Xamk. The publication will be based on the researches by Tuija Arola and Tero Villman, supplemented by the workshop groups’ presentations.
Day 2 concluded the Future Professions Workshop in Finland. The Russian partners of Race4Scale will have a similar workshop in the coming months. The basis of this workshop will be formed by the research made by Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University and Union Autoprom North-West.
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
In 1910, the world’s largest manufacturer of wagons, George Milburn (1820-1883) had a vision that the electric car could be made lighter, lower and cheaper. He opted to get into electric car manufacture. During their eight years of production, from 1915 to 1923, Milburn Wagon Company produced over 4,000 electric cars.
Milburn was one of the more successful makers of electronic automobiles. Powered by batteries, this car provided an exhaustless and almost silent ride. The Milburn was the lowest-priced electric of the time and much lighter than its competition. While easy to drive and elegant, it was also slow, achieving a top speed of only 20 miles per hour. It also could not go very far even on a full charge with only a 60 to 75 mile range. By the early 1920s, electric cars had lost their popularity to gasoline-engine cars.
Electric cars have been around for over a hundred years now and their popularity is constantly rising. In 2019, the sales of electric cars reached 2.1 million globally. The leading country in the share of sales of new cars running on electricity is Norway with 56% and Iceland holds the second place with 25.5%.
In Transition – Passenger Cars in Finland 2020-2030
In the Future Professions workshop, RDI Specialist, Futures Researcher Tero Villman presented the results of his research, In Transition – Passenger Cars in Finland 2020-2030. The research provides interesting insight into the current state and the future of transport with focus on the technological change regarding passenger cars. It identifies trends, driving forces and weak signals regarding and around passenger cars in Finland in 2020 to 2030. The research forms an informational foundation for further activities in the Race4Scale project.
In Finland, the current dominant mode of transport is passenger car, of which there are nearly 2.8 million in traffic use. The share of petrol or diesel plug-in hybrids is 1.2% and only 0.23% of passenger cars are battery electric vehicles. The majority of passenger cars, 70%, are powered by petrol, followed by 28% of diesel powered. However, the growth of new registrations of plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles is significant and increasing. In 2019, they represented 6.9% of new registrations and from January to September in 2020 already 16.7%.
In the future, towards 2030, passengers cars are expected to continue as the dominant mode of transportation in Finland, but the number of passenger cars is not expected to grow significantly. There are alternatives to drivetrains and energy sources for internal combustion engine vehicles, but they are expected to remain dominant. The share of electric vehicles is expected to grow to 8-30% of the passenger cars in traffic use in 2030.
Technical development is at the core of possibilities and uncertainty in the future. Research and development investments by car manufacturers have significantly increased since 2010. Currently, electrification is seen as the most viable solution of alternative powertrains to reduce emissions and avoid penalties. Driving automation increases safety, comfort and productivity. Overall, digitalization and urbanization change customer expectations and behavior, and create possibilities for new business models.
Motorsport Industry – Interesting and Challenging Career Opportunities
Tuija Arola, PhD., Development Director at Adult Education Taitaja Global Education Services, presented her research about the Interesting and Challenging Career Opportunities in Motorsport Industry.
Motor racing provides an ideal environment and race teams ideal capabilities for the automotive industry to develop and test technological innovations. The whole automotive industry benefits from this trickle-down effect. Motor sport serves as a platform to demonstrate new technologies on global scale. Especially Formula 1 is a forerunner on technological innovations. The professionals interviewed for the research agreed that important future innovations will be related to energy recovery, energy technology and battery recharge rates.
FIA, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, is a governing body for motorsport globally, that brings together 243 international organizations. In 2017, FIA created an environment and sustainability commission. FIA’s Environmental Accreditation Programme is aimed at helping motor sport stakeholders worldwide to measure and enhance their environmental performance.
In public debate motor sport is often accused for polluting and being a waste of natural resources but, in truth, Formula 1 has been a forerunner in sustainability. Formula 1 announced their sustainability plan in 2019, which aims to a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030. Formula E is a single-seater motorsport championship that uses only electric cars. Formula E’s three core values are energy, environment and entertainment. Formula E has a vision for the future of motorsport that includes electric vehicles, clean energy sources, staying connected to enhance safety via data-sharing between cars, car sharing fleets to reduce emissions and consumption, and autonomous, self-driving cars to promote productivity. Formula E is also a forerunner in gamification.
The research has been able to document the features of top mechanics in motorsport and thus provides information on what kind of qualities should one aiming for the industry to have. Teams have specialists from very different fields. Working in motor sport requires resilience, motivation, enthusiasm and self-confidence. One should also be precise and disciplined team player. Being innovative and proactive are also good qualities to have. Working in motor sport naturally includes lots of travelling so one must be willing to travel and even live abroad and not get homesick. The required skills are typically obtained by a basic training, but hobbies related to and interest in the field is also important.
Building a career in motor sport is a long path from bottom to top. Teams are actively headhunting for good mechanics and hardworking individuals are recognized. Demonstration of skills and motivation is required. Best way to score a job in the field is to actively market ones skills and build a network. References are always asked when recruiting new team members.
Team working
Mikhail Nemilentsev presented the instructions to team working and problem solving. He presented the basic conditions and commitments required for team working. The flow for team working is divided into four simple steps: Framing, structuring, collecting materials and information, and understanding. This cycle repeats as needed. The presentation also gave ideas for brainstorming. This was an orientation and basis for the teams to start working on the given topics.
For group working, the participants were given themes to work on. Topics were based on the researches presented earlier. Each group had two topics and they were asked to answer two simple questions in their presentation later: What and why. The topics were shared between the groups:
- Continuous learning in a constantly evolving domain.
- Cars for other uses in addition to mobility: The transportation of people and goods from one place to another is only one use case; Similarly to mobile phones, where calling was the first use case.
- New services: Understanding technology and new possibilities; Understanding and providing best solutions for customer needs; Shifting from product sales to lifecycle services.
- Features of a top mechanic in motorsports.
- Motorsport is a forerunner in sustainability.
- Technological development brings possibilities and uncertainty.
Groups had one and half hour to work on their topics and then present their ideas at the end of the day in 3-5 minutes and one slide or page. These presentations were to be saved in order to continue working on the topics on Workshop Day 2. Groups were also asked to take notes on other teams’ presentations and save them for the next workshop.
Research presentations
Tero Villman: In Transition – Passenger Cars in Finland 2020-2030
Tuija Arola: Motorsport Industry – Interesting and Challenging Career Opportunities
Jarmo Kujanpää
European Cooperation Day has been celebrated since 2012 by EU member countries and their partner countries. The day celebrates the achievements and possibilities of cross-border and interregional cooperation.
South-Eastern Finland – Russia CBC Program invited CBC-family members and friends to join EC Day coffee-hour. The meeting was carried out online due to the covid-19 restrictions. The covid-19 pandemic impact on project implementation and funded activities was one of the main topics of the day, but special focus was on the positive experiences brought by the digitalization in CBC activities. These experiences and best practices were shared on the day. Participants also shared project achievements and contribution to the regional development. These moments were shared via Programme social media account to remind people about the good things during these challenging times.
See more about covid-19 pandemic impacts, challenges and opportunities on CBC Program projects. Results are based on the project updates in PROMAS, the follow-up and the EC Day registration questionnaires.
Race4Scale – Development of Automotive and Motorsport Ecosystems -project started in May 2020. The project has six partners. Three of the partners are from Kouvola, Finland and three are from St. Petersburg, Russia. WP1 activities of the project happen this autumn. WP1 consist of four researches and two workshops. The research organizations are the project partners and their subjects are:
- Xamk: The identification of trends, driving forces and weak signals regarding and around passenger cars in Finland from 2020 to 2030.
- Taitaja: Describing the current situation and potential future developments of the motorsports industry, focusing on the fields of Formula and rally in the Finnish and European context.
- LETI: Evaluating the current state of and making predictions for the Finnish-Russian cross-border automotive ecosystem.
- Autoprom: Multidisciplinary applied research of the current and future (development) needs and the future professions in the automotive industry and motor-technics.
Because of the Covid lockdown the partners will arrange two separate workshops in October-November 2020, one in Russia and one in Finland. The implementations will be arranged as a combination of remote connection and physical presence. At the workshops the groups will be working with the topics and high-lights of WP1 researches. The groups will consist of students, teachers and external professionals. A publication of WP1 will be published in December 2021.
Race4Scale – Autoteollisuuden ja moottoriurheilun ekosysteemi

Jarmo Kujanpää
+358 40 588 0007